(no subject)

Apr 10, 2007 21:24

I went and hiked Bishop's Peak today with David Marshall. :) It was a lot of fun! A really good workout, too! I took pictures mostly on the way up, since I was running out of room on my memory card. I saw a cute lizard on the way up and took some pictures of it. :) And you can see David in one of the pictures there. Oh, and picture #14 (DSCF0478) actually is not the top of the peak... it's the peak that is adjacent to Bishop's Peak, which I took a picture of once I was sitting on the top of Bishop's Peak... it's just higher than Bishop's.

Other than that, today I've been updating my resume and getting things together to send in my application for that job I want at Schweitzer Elementary School in Carmichael. Tomorrow I need to make a photocopy of my letter of recommendation and get an 8.5 x 11" envelope to mail it in. I emailed a lady about the position and my concerns with living far away, and this is what she said to me:


I talked to my supervisor asking her if we can accept your certificate.
She said, no, we cannot. This is what you can do though... you can go a
head and apply for the position, go through a interview and then if you
are offered a job, then you can come take our test. Also, I do not
schedule interviews. Principals do that. So, when a principal calls
you, ask him/her if they can do an interview over the phone or maybe
arrange more convenient time for you.

Lilia Arnest

So... yeah! I'm excited. :) Hopefully I can combine an interview with something else I'd go up there for, like to meet thefaeway's dad and stuff... we'll see. Or maybe I could do an interview on the phone... that'd be good. I really know I'm qualified for this job (heck, I already have it, just not at their school), so I should be able to get it, unless there's some complication with me not living there yet.

Anyway, that's about all for now. I hope everyone else has been having a great week so far! :)

photos, photography, work, friends, moving

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