1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me" or "entrevístame".
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better! If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate.
3. Please update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Please include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions.
ilonga asked me these questions:
1. Have you been in a hispanic country before?
Yes, but only briefly. My family and I walked across the El Paso, Texas border into Juárez, Mexico and spent a day there a couple of times, both the times we went to Texas to visit my grandparents. We just did some shopping in Mexico, mostly.
2. If you have the chance to go to a foreign country, what country would it be?
Any, really, I'm not too picky. I mean, I don't want to go to dangerous ones like Iraq or Iran, but since I've really not travelled abroad at all, I'd like to see just about any country outside of the U.S. My top choices would be countries in South America, like El Salvador or Chile. Ireland or Scotland would be pretty, though.
3. What thing do you fear most?
I fear going blind someday, and I fear losing those I love.
4. Where do you picture yourself in the next 10 years? Or what are your goals?
In 10 years, I want to be living my life helping others in some way. I'd like to be a teacher, but not necessarily in the conventional sense - I might choose to live in a Spanish-speaking country and teach English, or something like that. I hope to join the Peace Corps after I finish college.
5. what is the most embarrassing thing -or funny thing- that you have done?
Gosh, I don't know... it's hard for me to get embarrassed about things, really. One funny thing was when I was just getting used to driving in San Luis Obispo, and there are one-way streets there... I was stopped at an intersection, and was going to go straight through it, but when the light turned green, it was a green arrow pointing right and a green arrow pointing left, and no green ball as if to go straight. I was confused, so I just sat there for a minute not doing anything. The car behind me honked its horn so I decided to go straight like I had planned, but right away I saw a police car on the opposite side of the intersection, and the policeman was shaking his head and making motions with his hands as if to stop me, so I slowed down and pulled over to the curb right away once I crossed the intersection, realising I was going onto a one-way street that went the opposite direction! I rolled down my window and he was nice and just told me to back my car around the corner, which I did. I think he knew I just didn't know what I was doing, haha! I was just glad not to get a ticket. :D
In other news...
this poem perfectly matches my feelings right now.
Oh, and a candid picture David Marshall took of me when we went hiking: