55 + 1 Thinkies About "The Eleventh Hour"

Apr 04, 2010 19:05

I am sure I am not alone in anticipating this particular episode of Doctor Who and thinking, "AT LAST! FINALLY!" Dear heavens, we have waited so long for this, the new incarnation not only of our Doctor, but of the entire Doctor Who dynasty. I have made no bones about the fact that ever since the prolonged sadistic torture that was Children of Read more... )

doctor who, thinkies

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Comments 33

lefaym April 4 2010, 23:34:16 UTC
It's something we lost at the end of the RTD (DIE IN A FIRE!) years. And it's why, no matter how much I joke about it, that we have to remember that Doctor Who IS for kids. Not just the chronological kids for whom Eleven will be their first Doctor, but for us, the ones who are supposed to "outgrow all that", who still -- like Amelia Pond -- make our art and share our stories and no matter how grown-up we look with our business suits or constable's uniforms, still in our hearts wait for the Blue Box to land in our garden.Yes, this so much. Personally, I don't believe that childhood ever really leaves us, we just put new layers on top of it. I also don't think that childhood is a sweet innocent place where all your dreams come true, etc -- children can experience fear and darkness and all that stuff just as deeply as adults can, and I think that too many writers of fiction for both children and adults forget that, so we end up with this false dichotomy where dark and horrible endings (CoE) are somehow constructed as more "adult" and ( ... )


spiderine April 4 2010, 23:58:19 UTC
Anyone who's ever read real fairy tales (not the Disney-esque versions) knows that a kid's imagination can be full of darkness and monsters. Kids need to learn to negotiate that tricky landscape in order to become functional adults. Doctor Who is part of that. The monsters may come, but the Doctor will always save the day!


neadods April 5 2010, 00:04:40 UTC
(I'm about to stop stalking your journal, don't worry...)

a kid's imagination can be full of darkness and monsters. Kids need to learn to negotiate that tricky landscape in order to become functional adults

Do you read Pratchett, and/or have you seen The Hogfather? That story has a specific moment where the main character (who has just beaten a monster to death with a poker) outright says that children shouldn't be taught not to believe in monsters. They know the monsters are real. They need to be taught to believe in the poker.

RTD didn't believe in the poker. Not really. In Torchwood there was no such concept as being able to win, just get a Pyrrhic victory. In Who, the Doctor alternated between being the poker and smashing everyone around him.

Moffat believes in the poker. Just as there are monsters, there ARE ways to defeat them.


spiderine April 5 2010, 00:07:37 UTC
You are not stalking, so please do not stop! :)

I'm not a big Discworld fan, but I saw the television version of The Hogfather, and I agree 100% with Susan. I've believed in both the monsters and the poker all my life.


neadods April 4 2010, 23:48:12 UTC
OKAY there's a streak of blue across the middle of the screen that just blew me right out of the scene. Is that just my copy of the video or does everyone see that?

Mine too. It's very distracting.

It's the feeling of joy and hope that I'm welcoming back.


That I trust Moffat to not bring up major plot points only to handwave them away seven minutes later is just the icing on the cake. The depression and the cynicism and the lashing out are gone, HUZZAH!


spiderine April 5 2010, 00:00:15 UTC
Gee, plot logic? Continuity? Wow, such an embarrassment of riches! I'm still reeling when I recall that we get another episode NEXT WEEK! We don't have to wait six months! It's like Christmas every Saturday! :)


neadods April 5 2010, 00:43:16 UTC
I've got a guest next week, so my squee may be deferred a bit.


spiderine April 5 2010, 00:52:14 UTC
I will happily await your squee! Have fun with your guest!


gypsylady April 4 2010, 23:50:57 UTC
Nothing in there to disagree with. Please give the brain kittens little treats from me.


spiderine April 5 2010, 00:00:50 UTC
Thank you! I will give them little brain treats. =^..^=


ceindreadh April 5 2010, 00:27:59 UTC
Oh thinkies, how have I missed thee?

39) Who's Patrick Moore? *Spider pauses playback, does a quick Google search* AHA! .... wait.... what? Did Patrick Moore just say, "Who is your lady friend?" About JEFF? @_@ THE SQUICKFIC WRITES ITSELF

I presumed he was saying it about Annette Crosbie's character - Jeff's mother(?)

7) Okay, this scene with all the food is not as funny to me as it is probably intended to be. I don't think it's cute, I think it's RUDE.
Agree with you about it not being funny (at least when I thought about it afterwards. During the scene I was cracking up...especially at the 'beans are evil' line!)


spiderine April 5 2010, 00:51:44 UTC
he was saying it about Annette Crosbie's character

Oh, darn! :D

Well, okay. Beans *are* evil. That part is true!


eruvadhril April 5 2010, 01:02:46 UTC
I presumed he was saying it about Annette Crosbie's character - Jeff's mother(?)

I assumed that too, especially cos she'd just said how much she liked him and the Doctor said he'd get her his number.


eruvadhril April 5 2010, 00:47:19 UTC

And let's admit it, just between ourselves: how many times have you seen a streak of blue out of the corner of your eye, or heard something that just might be a groaning rattle, and for one brief moment, hoped and BELIEVED? "Just believe me for 20 minutes." It doesn't even take that long; all it takes is a flash of a moment, and for that one moment, you can FLY.
I have. I don't think I've ever moved so fast in my life.
Turned out it was the washing machine.


spiderine April 5 2010, 00:50:18 UTC
Yup. I once, based on a single glimpse, ran three blocks out of my way ... towards a port-a-potty. *embarrassment* IT WAS BLUE!


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