Oct 16, 2009 12:23

Oh, Lord and Lady, I've been PINKED.

Yesterday there was one of those mass work emails about those dumb fundraisers that offices sometimes do. This one was a reminder (I wasn't here for the original, of course) that if we wanted to donate $5 to fight breast cancer we could wear jeans on Friday. Woo hoo!

I wanted to wear jeans today, so I donated.

The receptionist just came around and gave everyone who donated a pink ribbon pin. On the pin it says Lee Jeans National Denim Day.

Breast Cancer: Now Sponsored By Lee Jeans!

I have no intention of minimalizing the horror of cancer or the importance of anti-cancer research and support for patients and survivors, but let's face it: breast cancer has become a commodity. Between the meaningless PINK PINK PINKIFICATION aimed at women and those appalling "Save the Boobies" campaigns aimed at d00dz, the curmudgeon in me kind of wants to do something insanely politically incorrect.

As a corollary, it pleases me in a very perverse way that Boy is undergoing testing to determine whether breast cancer runs in his family; if it does, double mastectomy is covered by his health insurance, meaning that in the name of Pink Cancer the big nasty health insurance industry is paying for his top surgery.

Yeah, I'll miss those tits; they're awesome tits. But it's even more awesome that the Big Insurance Monster is being duped into supporting trans*ition.

gender, sexuality, politics

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