So it goes

Apr 12, 2007 15:39

Fuck. Kurt Vonnegut and thamiris are both gone, within 24 hours of each other. And no, I have no qualms at all about mentioning them in the same sentence. Thamiris wrote some of the best damn smut I've ever read. A talented writer is a talented writer, in my opinion, no matter what forum or genre that writer chooses. (And I'm not just saying that because Thamiris once wrote a Smallville story from a prompt of mine... tho it is, naturally, one hella hot fic.)

What's weird is that I actually knew Kurt Vonnegut better than I knew Thamiris. I never met her, but I interviewed him once for the Ithaca Journal. Among the more inane questions I asked him was whether he had any advice for aspiring writers. He answered, "Marry money."

We pass on, but fic lives forever. Celebrate two creative lives: go read.


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