
Apr 10, 2007 15:26

Hmm. Seems I'm more or less over my latest bout of "OMG JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE". Digging out of my burrow and peeking around, anyway. So let's play catch-up.

Good news/bad news at Gattaca. Good news: Starting yesterday, I have a permanent desk, for good. I'm not listed as a floater and no longer have to coordinate everything I do with the other floaters. Bad news: I'm not working for Harvard and Brain Cell anymore. They've moved me to a different desk on a different floor. Why is that bad news? Well, it isn't really, but it's "eh" news. I'm no longer working for Mr. Big Shot Partner and I no longer have the kickass view out a huge window. I have a counsel that just joined the firm yesterday, and two associates (no nicknames yet, but that'll come soon enough I'm sure). More work, less prestige-by-association. Oh well.

And then there's my hair. When Phase 4 was completed and I set up my altar, I gave my hair another chop. Didn't shave it; I just pulled it into a ponytail at the nape of my neck and hacked it off. Sacrificed my new growth to the Goddess. But then people kept telling me it looked really good. Not just, "uh, you did something stupid with your hair and I'm going to tell you it looks good because I'm your friend." More like, "OMG that's gorgeous!" Repeatedly. From random people at work, too. How bizarre. So I figure I might as well keep it like this for a while. I find it rather practical, really. In the back it's boy-short at the nape of my neck, but it slants down to chin-length at the front. It's off my collar in back, and in the front I can still tuck it behind my ears. It's a bit Kara Thrace-ian, which makes sense as she, too, hacked hers off with a very large knife.

The problem is, my hair grows shit fast. I mean, like, vampire fast. It's been two weeks and I've already had to hack a few inches off again, which means I had to burn hair again. (I don't leave random bits of my body lying around; that's just plain stupid. If I had private grounds I'd burn my used tampons. Yeah, yeah, TMI, I know...) It's going to be a right royal pain keeping up with it, so we'll see how long it lasts.

Oh, by the way, anyone know where I can get a good quality whetstone? Now that I have my lovely lovely knives again I want to give them a a bit of TLC.

Oh, and another thing: it's really not fair that on the bus this morning I got hit with an OMG plotbunny -- one of those "Shit, why has nobody written this yet? I MUST WRITE THIS!" This is SO not-good. For one thing, I have quite enough fic I should be working on already. And second, this new bunny involves PLOT. I hate plot. I have to figure out a whole goddamn "caper" and that just SUCKS, because it means I'll never write the damn thing. Sigh.

religious, writing, work

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