That likened him to all the stories he told, of past battles won and lost, and legends of old. A seasoned veteran in his own time.
I have seen the others, the other websites out there that is. As I am sure I have mentioned before, I am now a proud member of At first I was just joinning it so I could keep in touch with my friends who don't have/use myspace or friendster or livejournal or blogger or have their own web comic or...well you get the idea. I have been totally foreign to the world of facebook, having being open only to those with a school email address, and starting as I was leaving college, I never jumped on board, for various reasons. By the time I did decide to join, I completely forgot my school email addresses, and even if I did remember them, I don't think I would still have access to getting them, although I don't see why not. Anyway, this past month, was finally openned to the public (i.e. me), so I took the opportunity to join. My initial approach once inside "the world of" was one of hesitation and awkward stances. So many options to use, and so many different functions I have never heard of before. So obvisouly I was a little put off by the whole thing and didn't expect to be spending too much time on there. Now it has been 4 days since I first started, and I must say facebook blows myspace out of the water (friendster wasn't even close to being in the running, because everyone knows friendster is not cool).
If these online groups were people, friendster would be the quiet nerdy guy you sit next to in class so you can nap and borrow his notes later, facebook is your peppy friend who knows everything about everyone and always has some fun interesting factoids of information, and myspace is your roommate who is always drunk and or high, but also always coming up with some awesome stuff to do, or just completely annoying. One thing I love about facebook, which I also hate about myspace, are the "news" lists that cover your home page and profile; mostly because these news things let you know EXACTLY where people leave comments on your pictures and if people respond to your friend requests, they let you know when you are now friends. Not only that, but when people leave you comments, you don't have to go searching for them just to read them, they tell you in the news exactly what the comments say, with a direct link to the location so you can respond. People also get informed automatically when you update your pictures, thanks to the news, and they also get to know when you post pictures that they are in because you can "tag" pictures. To tag a picture is to take a picture, click on a face in a picture and then label who they are. A list of tags appears under the picture, and when anyone scrolls over a name, a little box appears in the picture highlighting that person (or as close to it as possible, depending on the size of the picture and how accurate the "tagger" was at clicking). And the tagging isn't limited to your pictures, you can tag other peoples pictures as well. And if someone comments on one of your pictures, you can respond to that comment right on the picture, unlike myspace where you have to either send a message or leave a comment in the standard comment section.
Blog consolidation. I never was into filling out my myspace blog because I already fill out this one on a fairly regular basis, so why fill out another. Facebook calls it's blogs "notes" and allows you to upload your "notes" from another blog, if you have one. I technically have two (C-M University is on blogger, which is obvisouly a blog site), but decided to upload this one because why the hell not. So now I have a whole new realm of people to read the crap in my head, hopefully some of you reading this right now are reading it because of facebook, that'd be cool. Facebook also has this little function called "Status" where you can leave little notes about what you are doing, or not doing, or thinging about, etc. Just a fun little function, and it posts right up in the news section. Plus, right on your profile page, you have direct links to edit sections, instead of having to go to your edit profile section and then thumbing through the abs to get to what you want (which you can also do here if you want to edit everything).
This I don't see on facebook; bulletins and crazy "pimped-out" pages. Granted, I myself am guilty of posting bulletins and having crazy crap all over my page, but I feel as though my "pimping" is mild, and my bulletins are entertaining and/or informative. Plus, the bulletins give me something to do during my down time. So I will always have myspace for those. The one major annoyance I can still find with facebook is the "view" all friends option. It automatically groups your friends by "networks" which you have to apply for based on your job, school, and region in which you live (all of the buroughs get lumped into New York, NY, and since I don't have school and I don't want to include work, I only have one network to which I belong). If you want to see all your friend, you have to open up your group and then select view all. It's a bit of a pain not being able to jump right into your friends to "surf", but that's the only one so far.
In other internet news, I updated my page at
C-M University, because blogger released a new beta that interlocks with google. So now maybe my comic will show up on google searches a little bit more readily. Also, Tuesday's update was posted yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon, so if you haven't read it yet, go and do so. Tomorrow (Friday)'s post will be on time (conditions pending).
Last night I found out the force of wind and the effect it has on my apartment. For those of you not familiar with the layout of the apartment, My bedroom is on the east end of the apartment, next top the kitchen, then the bathroom and foyer are in next, followed by the living/dining room, with Mike's room and the "stoffice" next to eachother on the west end. We keep the door open to the stoffice to keep it aired out and the apartment "flowy". Last night we also left the window open because it cools tha apartment, and I forgot to close it. I left my window open because my room gets warm and I like a cool room for sleeping. So as I was about to go to bed, my door litterally slammed open. Now when a door is closed, it should stay closed until someone turns the knob, so I immediately though maybe Mike was home and he was fucking with me. But he wasn't home. So then my mind juumped to ghosts. So I reshut the door and hoped the ghost outside the door didn't come in and/or see me. It was then that I really realized that it was extremely forcefull winds pushing the door open and closed. I tried putting various items infront of the door to keep it closed, but nothing really worked, because eventually everything would budge and the door would continue to bang against the "stopper" and the frame. Sure I probably could have shut the window in the "stoffice" but when you are half asleep, you don't think in terms of "logic". So I lost a lot of sleep because slamming doors is a creepy sound to sleep to. That makes 2 nights this week with less then minimal sleep.
I guess I should go do something.
Today's Word:
Clickory - a possitive memory, once forgotten, but recently reminded of
"I comepletely forgot about that skit we did until you said something. What a great clickory."