You can see Blue Water rising HIGHER and HIGHER! What's funny about that is that I was on White Fire, yes I remember that song, and not the one from my team. St. Elmo's Fire is catchy, even when the lyrics are changed.
Well I hope all the Jews out there had an easy and meaningful fast. To anyone who wished people a "happy" Yom Kippur, don't do that. If you are fasting, it is not a happy holiday. I made it through the fast this year, started to get a headache towards the end and then a massive one after eating, because I ate too much too fast. I barely got any sleep because my head hurt so much. I even went so far as to enduce vomiting, in a vain effort to relieve the headache. I would have taken something, but I was in someone else's house, and I did not know where they kept their medication, and I didn't want to wake anyone up. It was pretty crappy, but then when I woke up I got some excedrine, which I realized that large doses of caffene make me sweat, profusely. That, and now I still feelcrappy, but I am completely awake, sort of. If I was lying down instead of at work right now, I would probably be sleeping. I also commuted in from Havestraw, which was interesting in and of itself. I feel bad for anyone who has to do that on a daily basis. It makes my measley 30 minute commute seem a lot more bareable. The food was good, and I had fun seeing the Canfields, but everything else about the day just sucked. I guess G-d didn't accept my appologies.
One thing I did do this weekend, besides stick a stick down my throat, was set up a facebook account, since it is now opened up to the public. If you are interested in adding me as a friend, please do so, because my list is dominated by friends from camp, and only 3 or 4 from elsewhere. I still like myspace better, because it is easier to use. Too many options/functions on facebook.
I also got some new clothes for work, not that you really care, but I like them. With those clothes I also got some new shoes, which I desperately needed. Hooray for sales at Macy's. I did feel incredibly gay though walking around shopping for myself. One of the many reasons I should have a girlfriend, so I have someone to shop with and ease my doubts about what clothes work; because let's face it, I know colors and such, but I also am pretty simple and never like putting too much "effort" into shopping.
In the news: I was watching NBC this morning I was getting ready, and the top three stories were all extremely negative, and it made me think about what "good" news is out there that they are not reporting on in lew of these incredibly sad/disappointing stories. And hat's even more disappointing, Matt Lauer said that they will continue the reports on the amish school shooting for the rest of the week with responces of the amish families and community members and such. Leave these people alone. I am sure there is more important stuff then bothering these people who just suffered a horrible experience. Apparently Bush is going to be reporting on how the country is going to be handling these strings of shootings. My guess is he will say something like "We will not rest until these junior terrorists are stopped. We will exhaust every military option we have until we find Osama Bin Ladden in these classroom bunkers he now appears to be hidding in", and then he will go on and blame videogames, movies, terrorists abroad, and the jews without acknowledging any real causes/problems. It's all just so frusterating.
C-M University was obviously not updated today, but I hope to have a new strip up by tonight or tomorrow morning. Sorry to all those whom I have offended with my lateness. It's all the fault of videogames and the jews...mostly the jews.
Ok, back to work.
Today's Word:
chakode (pronounced chuck-oh-dee) - to suddenly go stiff, become inflexible, brittle and/or rigid.
"Before vomitting, you body will enter a chakode state right at the point of emission. Afterwords you will be overcome with a sense of slofishness."