It's tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a ryme, that's right on time

Oct 10, 2006 09:54

Look! It's a Monday update on a Tuesday! Can you believe it? I can, because yesterday I had the day off (which apparently most other people didn't...poor other people), and I don't generally update unless I have stuff to say, which I didn't, except for general update stuff, which I like to save for work. So let's get into my weekend, shall we?

Saturday was a fun one, I went to go see "The Departed" with Dave. It was quite an excellent movie, in my opinion one of Scorsese's best. He has really found a new muse of an actor in DiCapprio, so much so that I thankfully completely forget about Titanic...oh great, now I remember Titanic. DAMN YOU SELECTIVE MEMORY! The control of time, story and characters was mastered beautifully through wonderful dialouge, cinematics and editing. Jack Nicholson was exceptionally creepy and "scumbaggish", which is exactly what his character should have been, and you always know Jack will give you what you expect from anything he plays. I really can't think of any problems I might have had with this movie, everything was tied up and delivered seamlessly; although I am sure if I watched it again, I would be able to see some flaws, but that's how it goes when you really enjoy a movie. Of course my enjoyment was quickly crushed by Detroit, shortly after getting out of the movie.

Sunday was an interesting evening. Rewinding a bit to Thursday, on my way home from work, while waiting for the NW train at 57th and 7th, where I always wait for the train after work, unless I am going home from somewhere else. Anyway, I was waiting for the train, and who should come up to me at the plat form but Holly, a former co-worker of mine from Starbucks @ 67th and Columbus. We started talking and catching up and such (she now works at a different Starbucks), talked about living in Astoria and about working in entertainment (or not working for that matter). Holly moved to New York with the specific purpose of becoming an actress (as many people often do), and hasn't done a single thing for it in the 4 years she lived here. So she started to talk about this acting group she was trying to put together with some other people from Starbucks (some of whom I have also worked with), and I decided I would like to join in to network as a "performer" but also as a hopefull writer and director; things always come so much easier for me when I have a support group, like that time I was addicted to free-basing bananas and potpourie. So we exchanged myspace names (because that's what the youth of America does now), and parted ways when she got off at her subway stop, and I waited for mine (also randomly, at one point on the train, I randomly turned around and there was Brooke, which just weird and funny. How often is it that one runs into two random people on the same subway ride?).

Fast-forward back to Sunday, the group met at Holly's apartment on Sunday in the early evening. Only about 4 other people besides myself showed up, which was kind of expected, and also made things a little easier to ease into. We had some fun with some improv games (some taught by me from my "vast" improving experience), and then capped off the night with some cold readings. For those of you who don't know, cold readings are when you are handed a script, and asked to read a section from it, with no information about the story or even the scene except what is on the pages you are handed. It's a fun acting tool to be able to use, except when you are handed a Mammet play. I have never actually read Mammet, but I am familiar with his works and his word usage, but when it is put down on paper, it is INCREDIBLY difficult to read out of context. We plan on meeting weekly, and hope to eventually evolve into something for audiences, but at this point we are just meeting and working. Hopefully we will also get more people interested and involved. Next week I am going to be bringing in some of my unfinished scrpits for cold readings, and J-Gro (from Starbucks also) is going to be taking one of my livejournal entries to perform as a monolouge. I hope she doesn't pick this one, that'd be stupid.

Yesterday was nice because, as I said before, was a day off, where I went to the gym, bought some groceries, and RELAXED. I like relaxing, much better then working or doing things. Today I don't get to relax, except maybe after work and then the gym, but we'll see. I am really getting into the show Heroes on NBC, as well as Studio 60 which is on right after it. What a wonderful way to end a Monday, whatever kind of Monday it may be.

Also, there is a new strip up at C-M University. Check it out.

movies, comics, updates, phrases, mammet, heroes, subway, the departed, improv, astoria, dave and brooke, weekend, reviews, writing, work, yankees, myspace, studio 60, c-m u

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