
Dec 07, 2011 19:04

[ The following post and all subsequent comments by spectavi are broadcasting up on your communicators. Characters may comment to this post, but it will not be seen on the broadcast, nor will the characters of spectavi receive the comments. Much like watching television. ]

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Comments 37

spectavi December 8 2011, 00:04:26 UTC
Good evening and welcome to Discedo Channel 8 news!


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:04:50 UTC
How's everyone doing this week? Anyone still... hungry? [She grins expectantly at the camera as if expecting a laugh track. There is only silence, but that doesn't seem to bother her.]


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:05:11 UTC
Well good! I think we all saw some true character out there. Hoarding, lust, flipping tables-- what's not to like?!


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:05:31 UTC
In fact, hey you! Table flipper!


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:09:11 UTC
But we don't-- [SIGH.]


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:09:36 UTC
There's going to be winds blowing in from the North for the rest of the week. You might want to find some... uh... blankets. It's going to be cold! Clouds and moisture will be accumulating and on Saturday will be the first snowfall of the season!


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:09:51 UTC
Stay uh... warm guys. Really. Clouds will be settling in over the area after that so get a last look at the sun before then!


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:10:09 UTC
And now for Steven with the monster report. ...Uuuh, Steven?


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:10:28 UTC
You'll be thankful for all that cold weather. With the dropping temperatures the last of the Saibamen have finally died off. The forests are a little safer. ...Sort of. And due to an obscure strain of neurodegenerative disease the flower shaped Coralians have reached extinction. Could be an improvement.


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:10:53 UTC
In a show of survival of the fittest though new species are moving in to fill the void. In Dissimulo and Discedo you may spot a new form of cow called the... ... ...Mooshroom.


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:11:09 UTC
I think you mean Moooooooshroom, haha!


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:11:32 UTC
[Blank. Look.]


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:13:49 UTC
And nothing makes good news like victims trapped in collapsing buildings! Tune in next ti-


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:14:29 UTC
Closing so soon? [The camera switches to a familiar man holding a glass of brandy. He smirks gregariously, raising his glass to the camera.]


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:14:48 UTC
-but not before we introduce our new. Foreign. Correspondent. [She's gritting her teeth]


spectavi December 8 2011, 00:15:15 UTC
Hello Discedo and its tri-city area. You can call me Charon. [An award winning smile that practically sparkles though in the background Molly can be heard not-so-quietly hissing "doooooooooooooooooooooouche". This is ignored.]


fettuttittes December 8 2011, 09:27:05 UTC
[Well now Romana has to kill Molly. Oh well]


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