(no subject)

Mar 01, 2005 01:33

Huzzah for random driving around for 2 hours and then sitting in a park and ride for an hour more because your cell phone doesn't get reception at your house.

I'd forgotten how much fun it is to just drive around and listen to music and talk. Used to do it all the time to calm myself down in high school, stopped during my senior year and never really started again when I was at JSC, so it just fell into that whole "good memory" catagory. Might have to dust this habit off again, it's certainly better than other things I could be doing to make myself relax.

And after I dropped off Pam (who was the passanger in the whole random driving and controlled the music) I actually I didn't mind sitting around in the truck for another hour on the phone. For some people that might seem weird, but really... the truck was warm, the seats are comfy, the doors were locked (so no weirdo's could have gotten me) and I got to look up at the cloud covered sky while I talked to SMA about my weekend and heard about her new cuddleboy. Actually, I would have liked it more if there had been stars out, but hey, life can't be perfect. I also didn't really plan on sitting there for an hour, b/c I thought that SMA would be about to go to sleep when I called, but she was awake and once we started talking it just went on from there. Honestly though, I used to do this all the time (sit in a dark car late at night in the middle of winter) when Jordan was up at JSC and I wasn't. That whole unlimited minutes at night makes calling people way easier... of course I have to drive a mile away from my nice warm bed to find reception, but eh.

I kinda feel bad though. I hate being caught in a situation that has no winning result. I promised someone that I'd never lie to them, so I didn't when I wrote them an email describing my weekend and how much fun certain activities were and how much I enjoyed them... but they weren't very happy to hear that and I know that hearing that makes them feel uncomfortable, but I couldn't lie or avoid telling them... so yeah. Damn me and my stupid morals.

And I'm still avoiding my 147 (including short biography) page reading of Emerson's work... and since thats due tomarrow I'm crossing my fingers and really really hoping for a snow cancellation.

memories, pam

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