Why can't I have one good fun day without something bad happenning?

Mar 01, 2005 20:28

I don't get it. All I want is one time that I have fun not being followed with bad news.

Had a great time with friends this afternoon, one of which I hadn't seen in 2 years, one I've seen or talked to a couple times a week for the last 2 months, and a third person that I was aquainted with in highschool but had never really talked to. Anyways, we got a late lunch-type thing and then played pool (I really really really sucked) for a couple hours.

I got home expecting to eat dinner and just work on my philosophy paper tonight, but instead I'm sitting here debating in my mind about whether I want to go to a funeral in Chicago for my Great-Uncle on the weekend of the lab's winter "party". I mean, Mom's going out to the funeral and part of me feels like I should because he was family, and he was really close to Mom and my grandparents, but on the other hand I've only really met him once or twice and I'm not a really big fan of public mourning. No matter what I decide to do, finding out that he died sucks. I was supposed to go out and see him sometime this spring, and he wanted me to so that he could really get to know me and I really wanted to get to know him. I guess I feel guilty for not finding a time to go out sooner.
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