(no subject)

Feb 25, 2005 08:54

It sucks being to far away from a person you love. I want to be able to be there and hold her when she's crying, I want to make her smile, I want to be able to give her a safe place to run to. But I'm a full hours drive away, so I can't. All I can do is sit on the other end of a phone and hope that the words that come out of my heart and exit through my mouth are enough to chase away her demons for a little while.

On a slightly more positive note, I'm really happy that I found something that I thought Jordan had taken with her. My little star necklace that I made! I wasn't going to ask for it back if she had taken it with her, because that would be rude and she did wear it way more than I did (but thats b/c she had it) but I'm really glad to have it back. I've kinda been wanting to wear a necklace recently, not that I'm a major jewelry person, but with the whole lack of a ring or anything, something to wear that means something to me is nice. I have a lot of good memories tied into this thing, besides the pride I have for making it and setting the stone and such, I can remember working the stone into the bezel during poetry class with Pinky, and I dunno, this thing just is comfortable around my neck. I don't wear my cross anymore (the whole not being Christian thing makes wearing it a little odd) but this almost feels like a similar representation of my spirituality.

Anyhoo, Pinky comes home tonight and YAY because I like hanging out with her.

And shit, I'm going to be late for work.


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