Getting Evicted... Kinda...

Jun 23, 2007 19:53

So I'm kinda getting evicted... I got a call from my Grandmother last week letting me know that my house is going up for sale on June 25. That kinda threw me for a loop since they weren't planning on selling for awhile. It's the perfect little house so I wish I could afford it. It's in a nice, quiet neighbourhood but it's close to all kinds of pubs and shops and is about 20 minutes from work. But that is why it was appraised at almost $400 000 and will probably sell (quickly) for even more. There is NO way I can afford that. I'm not ready to buy a house at this point anyway. Cuz I just dont know where I'm going to be and what I'll be doing in a few months. My whole life is pretty much up in the air right now. I've applied to go back to school in BC for May 08 and I'm still thinking about moving to Calgary. So I just dont think it's a good time for me to be comitting to buying a house or signing a lease. Since I pretty much have no other choice it looks like I'm moving back home for a bit. I have yet to ask my parents (I plan on doing that on Monday when I go home) but I dont see it being a problem. Jay said I could stay with him for as long as I need to. He's so sweet that I didn't bother to mention that would be a bit of a commute to work every day ;) My goal is to be out of there by my birthday (3 months and 2 days) but I think I'll have made a decision before then.

I'm so stressed because of this. Not to mention that my aunt and uncle are being so inconsiderate about it. My aunt emailed me to say they'd be in and out of the house a lot over the next week trying to get it clean (my great aunt who owned the house was a huge packrat, she kept everything she'd ever touched so the basement was full to the ceiling of junk). I emailed back and said that's not a problem and mentioned that I leave for work everyday at 1:15 and dont get home until about 1am so they're free to go over in that time span. I also asked her to be careful not to let the kittens outside. She emails back and says "Oh well, 1:15 is a a bit late for us to start... So we'll probably just come over at 11am and try to be quiet. And maybe you'll want to leave the kittens at your parent's house for awhile.. like until July 5th or so?" I was LIVID. My cats have already been at my parent's for a week (since I was in Calgary) and I dont plan on leaving them there for another 2 weeks. And really, they cant go over at 1:00 and let me sleep after I worked until 12:30am and work again the next day? So this morning I'm laying in bed and I hear them come tramping in at 10:30. They were stomping up and down the stairs all morning, not to mention that my cousin had her DOG running around in the house. Then I'm in my room getting dressed and they just open the door and walk in! I was so frustrated and felt like a total prisoner in my own house that I burst into tears. I left for work early cuz I had to get out of there. And it sounds like they'll be back tomorrow. Oh and did I mention that they're having the open house on Monday, my only day off work out of 9 days? So I'm going to go to my parent's house after work tomorrow and staying until Monday night.

So I'm stressed about the move and possibly becoming homeless, I might not see my boyfriend until July 5 or 6 (if I do it'll be on Friday when he flies in and overnights in Toronto then back out the next morning), and I hate my job. Life is grand :P

Things with Jay are great though. He is so wonderful. He called me today and said "I miss you so much. I was just thinking about how I cant wait to go home tomorrow, then I realized I'm not looking forward to it cuz you wont be there. I've gotten so used to you being home with me that I cant imagine not having you around. I just wish I could come home every night to my baby.. I've never felt like this before about anyone" Which is the same for me. I just have such a strong feeling that he might be "the one" and he's said the same to me. We were talking about it the other day while we were laying in bed and he said "Some people might say it's too early for me to think this, but sometimes you just know." We both have Vacation in July (4-17, YAY) so he's coming to my place and going to my friend's wedding with me, and hopefully having a bbq at my parent's house since they're dying to meet him. Then on the 8th we're going to South Carolina for 4 days to visit his friend. Not my ideal vacation, but I think it'll be fun and I'll be with Jay which is all that matters to me. Plus I'll be able to shop at Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works :D Then we're planning on spending a few days at my place when we get back. We might end up moving myself back to my parents house thise days at the rate things are going, but I'm hoping not. I SO need this vacation time. I'm literally counting down the days.


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