
Jul 16, 2007 21:57

I've been off work for 11 days now, 1 more day off then it's back to work on Wednesday :( I'm dreading going back. That place just makes me so miserable. I've been so happy and stress free since I've been on vacation. I'm just not ready to go back to being treated like dirt every day for 11 hours :P I'm looking into transfering to Calgary or Vancouver though, which I think will be a lot better for me. The Toronto base is run so poorly, and they just treat everyone like crap. Jay's ex, who he still talks to occasionally, is a shift lead in Calgary and she loves her job. She says they treat everyone really well, so we'll see. I'm waiting to see if they re-post the position I applied for last month, and if not I'll just apply for a transfer I guess. Jay and I are also thinking about moving to Vancouver... so who knows. Lots to think about.

Last Saturday was my friend Allison's wedding. It was so beautiful! Jay came with me, and looked incredibly hot in his suit ;) I took some pictures that I'll post at the end.

On Sunday we went to South Carolina to visit Jay's friend Jonathan & his wife Cynthia (and their 2 kids Nathan and Hunter). We had a fantastic time. I was a little leary about going along because I was worried they'd just play video games the whole time and I'd be sitting there by myself. But it turned out to be really fun. The first night they had a bbq in our honour with a bunch of friends and family. On Monday Jay told me he'd spend the whole day with me, doing whatever I want. We went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel then headed to the mall. I had a field day in Bath & Body W orks and Victoria's Secret, lol. After a few hours we headed back to the hotel and relaxed for a bit then had dinner at Ruby Tuesdays and hit up Target (love it!!). We spent the night watching a movie in bed, which was really nice. The next 2 days we spent with Jonathan.. going shopping, hanging out in their backyard and the boys played some vids while I hung out with Cynthia. She cooked us a wonderful southern meal on Tuesday, Yum! We came home on Thursday night. All in all it was a wonderful trip. Greenville is such a clean & pretty city. I would love to live there. The people were super friendly and polite, and the houses are insanely cheap compared to here. Jonathan was talking about these "fancy condos" right downtown that are "super expensive".. selling for $150 000. In Toronto you would be lucky to buy a shed in someone's backyard for that price. For example, my aunt's 2 bedroom bungalow that I'm living in just sold for $485 000!

Which bringd me to my next topic.. I'm moving, obviously. The closing date is August 16.. a month from today. I have yet to pack a single thing, but I'll do that closer to moving day. I really dont have that much stuff so I'm not too worried. I dont think it'll take me too long to toss everything into boxes... I hope! I'm moving back to my parent's place for now, until I figure out where I want to live/work. It's going to be SO hard to live at home again. I'm just so used to being on my own.

I brought the cats home with me tonight. They were at my parent's house for a month. I didn't want them at my house while it was on the market, as people were constantly in & out of the house viewing it, and I was afraid that the cats would run out. They're so cute & getting so big! They're both sleeping right now. Brady on my desk and Bailey on my lap. They're still total trouble makers.

Alright, enough yapping..

Jay & I at dinner

Jay & I at the reception

At my parent's house before the wedding

Kristy & I

jay, moving, wedding, south carolina, pictures, vacation

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