Strep Throat = Not Fun

Dec 28, 2006 19:01

I finally went to the walk in clinic on Tuesday after a week of having a deathly sore throat and swollen glands. The Dr determined that I either had strep throat or mono. He said he can't tell without a blood test, so he wrote me a perscription for strep and a requisition for a blood test. He said that if I feel better in 2 days then it was just strep and if I dont, go get the blood test cuz it's probably mono.

Today is day 2 and I'm actually feeling much better. My throat is still sore, especially when I eat, but it's a huge improvement. I'm thinking I'll actually go to work tomorrow (I called in sick today & yesterday). Which is convienient cuz today was my last paid sick day for 06. I skipped the family dinner at my aunt & uncle's today though. I wasn't feeling so hot when I woke up, and I didn't want to infect anyone. Hopefully the swelling goes down in my throat and I can work tomorrow.. I'm getting bored sitting at home!

Can someone please remind me that all men are scum and I don't need one in my life right now? Please?! Cuz I am falling hard for Ryan, and I haven't even hung with him (other than the night we met). He added me to msn Christmas Day and we talked off and on all day. He is so sarcastic and funny and he just makes me smile. I can already tell that he is a genuinely a good guy who knows how to treat a woman. With Jeremy & Justin I overlooked certain things about them that bugged me cuz I thought they were hot and I liked hanging out with them.. or at least I liked the idea of them. With Ryan there's nothing for me to overlook, yet. We spent most of yesterday talking on msn as well. He got his webcam working and I was happy to see that's he's still as cute as I remembered. He lifted his shirt to show me his tattoo and I was quite happy with his body ;) He mentioned that he wants to be rid of the little bit of Christmas flab by our 3rd date (I told him I wont sleep with a guy until at least the 3rd date, lol) so he's going to start woirking out a few more days a week. He's like "I figure our 3rd date will be in 2 weeks or so.. that'll be more than enough time to get my tight abs back" Wow...

Things got a bit steamy when we were talking online Tuesday night. I had my webcam on and he was saying that he was distracted by all the things he was thinking he'd like to do to me.. I asked what he was thinking and things just flowed from there... Let's just say I'm very excited for our 3rd date ;) He kept me up until 5am, and I had a hard time falling asleep cuz I was so worked up, if you know what I mean. We spent some time talking online yesterday too. I'm basically stuck in the house thanks to my strep, so I don't have much else to do. Luckily Ryan stayed online with me all day to keep me company. :) He called me last night to talk instead of being online. I laid in bed and talked to him for about an hour. I am still in awe of how well our conversation flows. I was teasing him because he's sick, so his voice is really deep and it's so sexy. I told him I felt like I had called a 1 900 number. This turned into him jokingly telling me what he wanted to do to me, which turned serious, which turned into what I want to do to him... and again I had a hard time falling asleep cuz my mind was wandering ;)

We set a date for Wednesday after I get off work. He's going to pick me up and take me out for dinner and drinks, then we're going to go back to his place to watch Gray's Anatomy. Oops, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that he watches that, lol. I'm just so excited to spend real time with him and see if this is what I'm hoping it'll be. I'm trying not to get my hopes up though... cuz I always do, and I end up getting a hard kick in the ass. I'm just really praying this will be different, that HE will be different...

I'll keep you posted on how it goes ;)

ryan, strep throat

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