Ho Ho Ho!

Dec 25, 2006 17:18

Yesterday I decided that I'm done with men. I have no use for them, they only piss me off and I dont need that.

First it was Jeremy. I thought things were good between us. We got along great, had fun, and had amazing chemistry. I knew it probably wouldn't ever develop into a real relationship.. but I didn't want that anyway. Not right now... But then he fucked everything up and now we don't even talk that often.

I don't even really want to talk about the experience I had with my friend Derek last week... Basically we were hanging out, he got really drunk and forced himself on me. He confessed that he really likes me, and that I'm his perfect girl. He even asked me to be his girlfriend. I had to say no.. it was awful. Then he proposed that if I wont be his girlfriend we could still have sex, when I said no he got on top of me to try to "convince me" he was pulling my shirt off, un zipping my jeans... Finally I got him off me. We sat and talked about it for a bit, but he kept trying to talk me into either being his girlfriend or sleeping with him. I felt sick the entire next day thinking about it. But realized i need to be mature, since we work together otherwise it will forever be awkward. We have been talking a bit this week and things seem to be getting less weird.. but I wont be able to be alone with him for a long time...

Now on to Justin. I'd been thinking about him all week, since he's been in Cuba. He called me yesterday and I was so excited. He even told me that he's coming into the airport to see me. He looked so hot.. all tanned. He even told me he missed me. Then I asked him about being on vacation with his ex (he went with his buddy, buddy's gf and her best friend.. which happens to be Justin's ex). He said they bickered a lot and she pissed him off. So I said "aww you didn't get back together? shame" and he said "well it's complicated.." and I said "You know what? That's all I needed to hear. Peace out.. I do not need complication in my life." and he said "So that's it? You're boogie-ing?" and I said "Until you're straight with me, yes. Are you together or not?" and he said "Well.. like I said. It's complicated.. but um.. we're more together than we're not..." That's all I needed to hear. I'm out. I told him I still want to be his friend because I enjoy talking to him, but until he sorts out all his baggage with his ex it's over between us. We talked for a bit longer about Cuba and then I figured I should probably get back to work. He gave me a big hug, told me he really did miss me and gave me a kiss. I was fairly depressed for the rest of the day.

By this point I'd realized that the guys I want don't want me, and I dont want the ones that DO want me!

To add to that the guy I met on Friday hadn't called me yet... To make a long story short, I have having an awful day. I was supposed to be off work at 9 then go to my boss' Christmas party. I didn't get out of wotk until 2:15am. It was pouring rain, we had about a million delays and I was busy as hell. This guy comes up to the counter and asks if perhaps he could just fly out the next day. I joked around with him a bit and we hit it off. He was funny and very sweet. Eventually he decided to travel that night and wandered off. About 30 minutes later Kacie & I decided to go take a short break. As we were walking down the hall Ryan (this guy) stepped out in front of us and said "Amanda! You're gonna hate me but I decided not to travel tonight" so we went to the guest services counter so I could change his flight. As I'm working on the computer Ryan turns to Kacie and says "I've been flirting with your friend Amanda all night but it doesn't seem to be going so well.. I really want to take her out for dinner & drinks. What do you think I should do?" Kacie started to laugh cuz she thought it was a joke, then she started giving him some tips. Then Gurpreet called and Ryan answered it, lol. They had a good chat and he had her laughing her ass off. We spent about 25 minutes together until he left, but first we exchanged numbers and he made me promise I'd call him if I got out of work early enough to go for a drink.

By last night I still hasn't heard from him so I decided that he probably just sobered up and realized that I wasn't as cute as he thought. Seriously, I looked like crap that night. My hair was so hot when I got to work, but I'd been out in the rain all night and ruined it. My makeup was running down my face and I was soaking wet. I couldn't understand why anyone would be hitting on me. Even Kacie said "You must have some sort of twinkle in your eye because honestly, you aren't exactly looking your best and you're STILL picking up!" So last night I bit the bullet and texted him. I said "Just wanted to say Merry Christmas, and see when you're taking me out for that dinner and drinks you owe me ;)" and not even 15 minutes later he texted me back and said "You too babe! Dinner and drinks for sure when I get back... if I'm lucky ;)" Today he added me to msn and we've been chatting all day... and the conversation has been flowing SO well.

I guess I haven't given up on guys afterall... ;) Speaking of boys.. Dan called me this morning. We had a nice long chat. I really do miss him on days like today...

Anyway enough bitching about men. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day with your families. Mine actually let me sleep until 11:30, which is definitely a Christmas miracle! We opened our stockings, had breakfast then opened our presents. I got a couple dvds (Napoleon Dynamite special edition, Accepted, and Sex & the City S6p2), a new ceramic hair straightener (thank God), and a pink blue tooth head piece to mention a few things. Tomorrow we're going to Nikki's place for Cmas dinner.. I plan to get pretty drunk :)

Special love and congrats BOTH my friends who had babies this week! Tiff (baby Kendall) and Amy (baby Tavian). I love all 4 of you! :)

jeremy, gifts, ryan, christmas, boys, justin

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