Vegas Craziness

Dec 15, 2006 14:54

Vegas was AMAZING! Omg I had such an amazing time! From what I can remember... lol.

First of all, we got drunk on the plane (to start the trip off right, lol). The flight was pretty empty so we had the whole back section to ourselves. Just before we pushed back these 3 guys came and sat in the row in front of us and said "We heard this was the party zone..." and started making us laugh right away. Then just after takeoff the pilot makes an announcement "Are Gurpreet and Amanda here? Stand up ladies! They're on their way to star in their own belly dancing show in Vegas!" and everyone on the plane started clapping. Oh the joys of working for the airline and everyone knowing you :P I knew that was the work of Jeremy though. It worked to our advantage though cuz after that the guys that came and sat with us starting buying us drinks. We actually had 4 rounds (5 for me since I drank 1 of Julianne's) in about an hour & a half. Then Gurpreet cut us off cuz we were being too rowdy. Oops! Anyway, the flight went by so quickly because we were having so much fun. When we started our descent we all scattered into window seats. This guy, Greg, was sitting in front of me and I was like "I hate sitting alone on descent.. it's scary!" so he got up and came and sat with me. He sat in the window and put his arm around me and let me lean over him when we could see the strip. Then he leaned in and kissed me, and we basically made out the rest of the landing, lol. I'm such a lush! But he was hot.. and it's Vegas, you can't NOT get any action in Vegas. At the airport we were chatting with the guys as we waited for our bags and they asked if we wanted to share a cab... so they went out to get one. We get outside and they're waiting there with a limo! They dropped us off at MGM and wouldnt let us pay for half, which was nice. But I mean, Greg is 28 and owns a car dealership.. he can afford it!

We checked in and did some (ok a lot) of pre drinking while we got ready, then went over to Bally's to the guy's suite. We drank a bit more there then headed to Pure @ Ceasar's Palace. I'd like to point out that by this point I was absolutely trashed. I was drinking rum & Tab (energy drink) at the hotel so I was full of energy but very drunk. There was a huge line to get into Pure so we got a bit worried... Gurps and I just went up to the front of the line and asked if we could get in and the bouncer was like "Ya okay, you ladies are pretty hot.. follow me.." And he let us right in without paying cover! (which was $30). We got right on the dance floor and went crazy. About 30 minutes later one of the bartenders walked up to me and said "Oh my God you are so sexy... follow me..." and he grabbed my hand. So I grabbed the girls and dragged them along. He took us into the VIP lounge and sat us down at this table with some old guy who had bottle service and started pouring us any drink we wanted (free obviously). Then he leaned over and said "How long are you here for?" and drunk me says "at the club?" and he goes "No, in Vegas" and I said "Oh, just for the night" and he said "Because I really want to have sex with you tonight. You are breath takingly sexy" so I said "Well sit down beside me and we'll see how it goes..." and he says "I can't, I'm working. Leave your number on a napkin and I'll call you when I get off in 2 hours" How crazy is that?! Of course I didn't leave my number, although I was tempted. This guy was SO hot I can't even tell you.

Around 4am we were all so drunk that we decided it was time to leave cuz we could barely walk. I wanted to walk all the way back to MGM from Ceasar's, lol. Anyone who's been to Vegas will know how freakin far that is.. especially if you're drunk. Luckily Gurpreet was sober enough to know that was impossible. We got back to the hotel and I totally passed out. I woke up about 15 minutes later, puked, then passed out again, lol. I honestly haven't been that drunk in YEARS.

The next day was rough. I got about 2 hours of sleep so I was still drunk when I woke up. The girls dragged me to the Aladdin buffet (worst place ever when you're hungover/drunk). But it could have been worse. There was a guy passed out in the hallway in front of the bathrooms with his shirt pulled up over his head and his pants falling down. When I came out of the bathroom he was puking in a giant vase, lol. We spent the rest of the day shopping like crazy. I spent A LOT of money, but at least I got some Christmas shopping done. Annnnd a lot of stuff for me ;)

We flew home Sunday night and I got home Monday morning at 9:30am. I slept for about 5 hours, much needed, then bummed around a bit and went back to bed. I can't wait to go back :) However I think I'll hit the booze a little less next time ;)

I came back a little beat up though. I have scratches all up my leg and hand. I found out the next day that I was purposely stepping on Julianne's sandals so she shoved me, and since I was so drunk I had no balance and fell right into a bush. I also have a big bruise on my hand that I cant figure out how I got it. And I have a bruise on my chin which occured when I decided to take a picture of myself and dropped the camera on my face :P

In other news: Justin's last day at work was Wednesday :( I so hope they give him his job back when he comes back from Cuba. When my duty manager found out that they wouldn't grant Justin vacation time so he was forced to quit he was pissed. He said he's gonna go talk to Justin's boss the next day and try to get them to hire him back. Fingers crossed that it works! I gave him a nice send off though ;)

I hardly got any sleep this week, mostly due to Justin. On Tuesday I went to Perkins after work (at 1am) with Blair, Derek and Leo. After breakfast I went to Derek's place to see his new puppy. OMG so cute!! It's like the size of a ginuea pig! We took it for a little walk then I decided to go back to my Nanny's to get some sleep it it was like 3am. Just as I was leaving Justin called and asked if I wanted to come see him. He's on the over night shift at work, and there's not much to do at night. So I went back to the airport and we hung out in my car until 4:30am :O But it was soooo worth it ;) Then on Wednesday night Justin drove Kacie and I to our cars after work. We dropped her off first, then went to my car. Of course as soon as the van was parked we started making out like crazy. Justin was like "Listen, I have to go back and get my overnight guys all set up with gate assignments, but I want to hang out with you some more... meet me at Vista in 5 minutes" so I got changed and drove over. We ended up in my car again until 2:30am (having some fun) until I had to pull away and drag my ass home. Got home at 3:40 and went to bed at 4. Then yesterday I had to get up early to go get a portrait taken with my sisters for my parent's Christmas present, then go to work.

However after work last night was different. I had a date :D I went to the Fox & the Fiddle with a super cute boy (Mike) who works for Customs. He and I had met about 3 weeks ago at a flight. We were chatting it up and he felt bad for me cuz I was freezing standing outside without a coat, and he promised to get me a customs touque to stay warm. But then I never saw him again. So on Tuesday I was outside at a Nassau arrival and I heard "Hey Amanda!" and I turned around and there he was. We chatted a bunch again and he asked for my number, to give me my touque of course ;) He called me later that night and asked if I'd be willing to go for drinks with him one night. So anyway, we met up last night and we had a really nice time. We talked non stop. He plays hockey (As well as coaches a minor league team) and is a UFC fighter. So I'm guessing he has a pretty hot body... It seems good from what I've seen. ;) We were talking about hockey and I mentioned that I'm a Leafs fan, but I've never been to a home game. He was telling me how his friend has a bunch of tickets and he'd like to take me sometime maybe... Well 10 minutes later his cell rang and he was like "Sorry, I normally wouldnt answer but gimme 1 sec.." so he asnwers and says "Hey.. do you still have any Leaf's tickets left cuz I'm sitting here with a very cute girl who's never been to a home game and I'd like to take her." so he bought tickets from this guy right on the spot! Then he said "Alright I'll call you later, I dont want to make this gorgeous girl sit here while i'm talking to you" *blush*

I'm not sure what kind of connection we have, but he was super nice and sweet. I'd like to get to know him a bit more anyway. He asked me if I'd like to go out with him again and I said yes. He texted me on the way home and said "I just want to thank you again for coming out with me. I had a great time and you're a wonderful girl. I'd like to do it again sometime" :)

I'm starving so I'm gonna go make me some lunch ;) I'll close with some Vegas pics though!

Rowdy drunks on a Plane: (Greg is the one in the middle, back)

Jules & I:

This is why nobody wants to sit beside me on a plane:

Soooo drunk, and we hadn't even made it to the bar yet:

My self portrait, lol. I'm pro:

pure, boys, mgm, rowdy, drunk, date, vegas, mike, justin

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