NGE - Unexpected

Feb 21, 2009 22:42

Title: Unexpected

Theme: #17 - I dive in, and then the coolness is all I feel

Fandom: Neon Genesis Evangelion

Characters/Pairing: Asuka

Rating: G

It was what she had wanted for a long time. She had even begged for it. Now she had it: the lead position. She had always felt that she deserved the job more than the emotionless Rei. If you have no emotions how can you effectively lead the team into battle? The job also meant she would receive the most important solo tasks.

It was an opportunity for her to prove herself to Gendo and the rest of Nerv. She could finally prove that she was the strongest pilot. She was eager to dive into the situation, not even pausing to think of the consequences of her actions.

As it played out, however, her actions were devastating to the company. Instead of the glorified response she had hoped for, she got a cold shoulder from almost everyone. Everyone treated her like a brat who got in over her head except for Shinji. But she didn’t care what he thought.

fandom: neon genesis evangelion, character: asuka

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