dear whomever.

Oct 11, 2013 00:37

As I try to process all the feeling in me the past while, and understanding anger is a result of a lot of other emotions I carry allow me to share some of those you have brought up in me. Fear of being abandoned by those who say the care for me. Have seen it to often. As well as fear of being a matter of convenience, and once you get what you need you move on, have seen that too often as well. disappointment in myself for not seeing those things coming and allowing my self to trust and love. As well as regret in getting hurt again.

Thanks to you I over think under react and drive those closest to me away with comparisons and such, as well as make s me question when some one tells me they love me. As I have to ask what do they want really as well as do I dare trust them again.

Now I know the reasons and understand at times these were sincere and things change in time, but honestly if you mean them try to stay with them and if you lose those feeling be honest about it and let it go don't pretend you care or want me around as I'm comfortable and there, do us all a favor, and move on and let me as well. this coming back thing has to stop, as each time it gets harder to let you and when I do there's less there for either of us as you get less of what you need and I get less interested in dealing with people.

Yes a lot of this is my doing for letting you back in or holding out hope this time it will be better. Thank you for taking advantage of me, we both kn ow this will end badly. more for me than you I understand that, just stay away and let me live, I know it's not much of a life
but it's what I have and I'm trying to get it to work.

Also please quit expecting to me to bow down to your whims. Just because you think you're entitled to it, hate to say it,(no I don't) Get the message you are not the center of the universe, nor do I worship you. you are just a spoiled child who want's things your way and for free, well guess what doesn't happen. now suck it up and quit shooting the messenger.

last thought. Go fuck your self and stop using what's going on in my life as an excuse for you to walk away and then wonder why I don't welcome you back. I get it we all supposedly go through a honeymoon phase, and the rest of the world fades. That's just a lame ass reason to be with the one you like and shirk everyone else. well thanks but no thanks. if you want me you k now what I need, and deserve if not then please take every thing with you, and let me be.

Sincerely me.
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