
Jan 27, 2014 13:25

...not me, my dog Jake. I took him to the vet last week for his yearly check up and got the results back the other day. I received 2 result reports. One is a "report card" type that had "normal" or "abnormal" checked off (liver function, kidney function, skin, teeth, etc) and a short hand written note from the vet. I noticed in the section for heartworm, it was checked "Positive", but no mention of it in the vet's note. BUT, the second report I received had the results from his blood work and I noticed a section "heartworn antigen" was negative. I called the vet, but she wasn't in. The tech told me heartworm treatment is approximately $1,400. Figures, I finally pay off all my credit cards and this happens. The vet called me back the next day and assured me the checked "positive" was human error and Jake was fine....and so is my credit card balance.

I had my yearly physical last week as well, but haven't gotten the results back. I'm not too worried since I saw my ID doctor in Dec and everything was fine. The only problem I have is my HDL (good cholesterol). It's always low no matter what I do. I'm on cholesteral medicine so my LDL and total cholesteral are good.

Each January my work medical benefits kick in and inorder to get a "discount" we have to participate in the "Wellness Program". That means we have to go thru a quickie physical and a finger prick blood test. Then I have a Life Coach assigned to me and have to talk to them every month as to what exercising and diet I'm following, usually by telephone (Oh yes, I'm eating lots of fruits and veggies and exercising every day...NOT). If you ask me, it's a waste of time, but it gets me my discount. I'm curious to see how their blood test results compare to the one taken by my doctor.
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