It's here.....

Jan 16, 2014 14:27 56th birthday weekend.. ugh. For some reason I'm having trouble with this birthday. I don't know if it's the number itself, the fact I'm not really where I want to be, or just I'm thinking too much about life in general. Either way, I'm heading to Atlanta to celebrate with some good friends. I have 3 other friends with birthdays in January so it'll be a fun celebration.

My birthday is also a reminder for my yearly physical which I will have next week. I'm very good with taking my meds for my blood pressure and cholesteral, but I know the dr. is going to get on me about my weight. I've gained about 10 lbs. over the last couple of months due to not exercising but mainly due to eating everything in sight. I just can't seem to get the motivation to get back to the gym. In the mornings I tell myself, OK after work I'm hitting the gym and when I get home from work, I'm like that couch looks sooooo comfortable. I'm not a morning person so working out before work is out and I have to go home and walk Jake so going to the gym right from work is also out. Well I can't afford all new clothes so I better find the motivation...and soon. Jake is also getting his yearly check-up next week as well. Last year the vet found a growth in his groin area. She doesn't think it's cancerous and it doesn't seem to bother him when you put pressure on it. It's about the size of a small Nerf football. She did mention giving him a sonogram to see what it could be (for $500). Guess we'll have that talk again next week.
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