Birthday Bets

Dec 10, 2010 00:55

Genre: fluff
Warnings: implied smut
Rating: PG....ish
Pairing: 2min, some jongkey
Fandom: SHINee

Minho stared at Key. That boy had to be kidding.

"Come on, Minho... It's not as if you never guessed, right?" Key smirked, making Minho all the more riled up because he was getting way off point.

"That has nothing to do with anything! You -- want me -- want to -- why would I even want to seduce him!"

"...Of course you do." Key's superiority was killing Minho.

"WELL I DON'T." Minho turned to leave (because this whole thing was just crazy), but --

"-- If you don't, how will you ever tell him?"

Minho froze. How did Key even know that...?

But more than that... Minho knew Key was right. (Damn it, when was this diva not right?)

"After all, if he rejects you, you can tell him it was all a bet... right?" Key drawled out the last word with the air of someone who knew himself to be correct. Frankly, Minho found it mildly irritating.

"And if he accepts..." Key grinned. "You have nothing to lose."

Presently Minho groaned. There was no way out now.

"Fine..." Suddenly thinking of something, he rounded on Key. "And what do I get if you win?"

"You'll see."


Minho had agreed to help Key with his bet exactly one year ago.

On his birthday. It was now his birthday... again.

Minho gulped.

"Yah, hyung! What are you doing staring out the window?" A voice made him snap his head around, so fast that it hurt. Rubbing his cracked neck, he glared at Taemin.

"Nothing. Why did you have to startle me for!" He knew he was making a big fuss out of nothing, but he couldn't help it because looking at Taemin reminded him of things he haven't done and why did he even agree in the first place --

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Key and Jonghyun staring.

Growling, he turned his back on all of them, ignoring even the slightly stunned Taemin. (Who admittedly, did not deserve such treatment.) However, it was not before he had caught Key's hungrily eager expression or Jonghyun's rather self-satisfied smirk.

I swear, I'm going to kill the both of them.


If Minho wanted to blame somebody, the person had to be Jonghyun, considering the fact that he was the one who started the bet in the first place. Minho still remembers Key laughing while telling him everything one year ago.

"You see... Jonghyun and I made a bet," Key was whispering, although Minho had no idea why.

He wasn't particularly interested in their affairs, of course... at least, not until Key continued.

"And it's about you and Taemin." At this, Key flicked his eyes to the living room, where the rest where watching tv.

" What --?"

"Shh," Key shushed him, pushing him lightly against the kitchen wall. "We had a bet, and I bet that you would... well, for lack of a better word... seduce him. I bet that you only needed one year to seduce him." Key grinned.

"What --!? Key --" Minho spluttered, incoherency filling his brain because --

Was he that obvious around the maknae?

"Well, he likes you, so... it wouldn't be all that hard, would it?" Wait... What? Minho's mind numbed all over. Taemin... what? Of course, Minho always wished -- and sometimes even thought he could confirm -- that Taemin reciprocated his feelings, but...

But Key was saying it as though it were true.

"And you know what? That isn't even the point now, because you are seductive, and you will have no trouble with this, and so that's why I bet on you winning and that's why you have to help me by seducing him, because I simply can't lose to that moron Jonghyun, and so you --" Key realized with amusement that Minho was not hearing a thing he was saying. The boy was, rather, staring at him with an open mouth.

Silly Minho.

"Come on, Minho... It's not as if you never guessed, right?"

With a start, Minho immediately defended himself. (Key must not find out about his frequent fantasies/thoughts about Taemin.)

"That has nothing to do with anything! You -- want me -- want to -- why would I even want to seduce him!"

But Key's mind had been set, and Minho didn't get much of a say in the matter.


It was his birthday, now, and it seemed that everyone had forgotten it.

But of course those two bastards haven't, because their bet relied on how this day turned out. Minho never gathered enough courage to try seducing Taemin the past year, and now everything depended on the next 12 hours.

Why, oh why... Why did he ever agree?

His 20th birthday, and he had to spend it in such a miserable manner. He really hated the lot of them.

Just that moment, Taemin entered again, this time a little cautiously. When he spoke, it was in a quiet whisper.

"Hyung... do you want to eat? Key hyung cooked and..." He paused, gauging Minho's reaction, seeing that the older boy was still lost in thoughts. He was still rather afraid of Minho because Minho hardly lashed out at anyone.

"It's okay, Taemin." Minho spoke after a short while, and Taemin nodded at his answer.

"Alright, I tell Key hyung you don't want to eat --"

"No, it's not that." Taemin froze, already on his way out. "What do you --"

"I meant it's okay, you don't have to be scared of me." Minho looked Taemin in the eye and felt locked into the deep brown orbs meeting his. He smiled. "I was just feeling a little... out of it, just now, so..." Why was he even explaining himself? But Taemin seemed to appreciate it, and smiled back at Minho.

"It's alright, hyung. I understand."

Throughout dinner, Minho was going crazy.

Key and Jonghyun just would not stop staring at him and Taemin, as though they expected them to break out kissing or something. Thank God that Jinki wasn't home or he'd have asked what's the matter with the two of them, and then the game would be up because Jinki didn't believe in such games. Minho didn't know why he felt this way, and yet...

And yet, he was dying to get through with this and get Taemin already.

So, throughout dinner, he also tried ignoring the stares and instead formulated in his mind a way to get to Taemin.



Minho turned around, looking up from his book. Rather startled, he shoved it under the pile on his desk; after all, it would not do for Taemin to catch him reading something called '101 ways to seduce the girl of your dreams'.

"I just wanted to tell you... well, happy birthday," Taemin gave him a rather sad smile at this. "I'm sorry that this was such a bad one for you... but I didn't forget, you know."

Minho's heart burst in happiness.

Taemin was now pulling something out from behind him, and Minho couldn't help but stare -- it was a huge bar of chocolate.

He remembered -- oh god, he remembered --

Taemin had actually remembered it when Minho mentioned that he'd rather have a gigantic bar of dark chocolate than have a birthday cake (honestly, cakes freaked him out). Minho found himself to be gasping when he spoke.

"-- Ah-- ah Taemin-ah --"

At this, Taemin burst out laughing.

"Hyung! It's only chocolate, you don't have to be all weird about it!"

Suddenly, Minho had a brainwave.


Taemin started at the abrupt change in Minho's voice.


"You know I like chocolate, right?" Minho advanced towards Taemin, all the time keeping his voice low.

"Y-yes," Taemin repeated.

"Well..." Minho had reached Taemin by now, and he cupped Taemin's chin in his fingers while gently stroking his chin, still staring into Taemin's eyes.

"Well... I like you more," With that he used his free hand to stroke Taemin's exposed collar bone peeking out from under his over-sized shirt.

"A-ah-!" Taemin gasped from the contact; Minho's hands were travelling lower, and it was having some clouding effects on his brain. "I -- I like you too, hyung --"

In his mind, Minho thought victory!

But his body was completely concerned with something else altogether. As though by its own accord, his fingers were now slowly teasing Taemin's erection, and that itself was starting to turn him on. Before he knew it, they were stumbling towards the bed and clothes were flying in all direction.


Outside, Key and Jonghyun were pressing their ears hard against the door.

Key straightened up.

"Aha! I told you so!" He couldn't help grinning at the helpless Jonghyun, who was still pressing his ears against the door in shock. "Now, admit you lost, and that all your neon light sneakers are mine!"

Jonghyun scowled as he too straightened up. "Mind you, I have a half a mind to say this doesn't count at all, he was using fingers --!"

Key laughed at his indignation, then remembered enough to stifle his laughter against his hand. "Rules are rules, Jjongie," Then he pondered awhile, "But I must say, fingers are the very art of seduction!" At this, he broke out in laughter again.

When Jonghyun left, still scowling and muttering menacingly, Key crouched towards the door and whispered, "There Minho... you asked what you get if I win." Pausing, he distinctly heard Minho mewl in delight. "Well... you get a fun, fun night with Taeminnie."

With that, Key left the two to their own devices.


jongkey, 2min, shinee, fluff, fanfic

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