May 28, 2010 00:51

Name: ALEX LOUIS ARMSTRONG or by his rank Major Armstrong. Also known via his state title as the Strong Arm Alchemist
Age: Unspecified, but looks between his late twenties to early thirties; I'd place him around 28 or so, give or take a few years.
Gender: Male
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist or else known as Hagaren no Renkinjutsu [鋼の錬金術師], Brotherhood/manga version
Timeline: Post-series
History: Oh look, a wiki page!

Character Personality: Despite his rather intimidating looks at first sight, just a second of knowing him will really let you remember that one should never judge a book by its cover. Friendly, loud and energetic, Armstrong is the kind of man who one would be glad to have as a friend (even if at times they do think twice about this); highly emotional, he's that kind of guy who shares weal and woe with those he considers his closest friends. At the drop of a hat he can instantly burst into tears of happiness or sadness depending on the situation, or get so excited and caught up in whatever the other party does (though at times to somewhat disastrous results due to his other enthusiasm). He even goes out of his way to comfort people who he thinks need it as well, via very manly hugs that just about everyone wants to avoid because they end up getting their ribs crushed from his strength and muscles.

A modest man, Armstrong is one who serves the people he believes in humbly, though he places pride in the things he has worked on and grows up in. The most prominent example of course would be his physique and his body worked hard though the many exercises that has been passed through the many generations in the Armstrong family. He's certainly proud of it enough to display them the moment he has a reason to, taking off his top in a second and sparkling most wonderfully as he displays his finely crafted muscles for all to see, believing that seeing them will help many people. Sadly though, that is not the case. Still that aside, he also does appreciate anyone who has muscles just as finely shaped as his - while proud of what he has, its safe to say that Armstrong isn't arrogant about it either.

Despite his status as a state alchemist (human weapon) and as a soldier, Armstrong has a heart of gold and a kind-hearted nature that extends to all who he does not count as his foes. He is a loyal man who follows the people who has his trust, is the kind of person who looks out for subordinates and peers alike and especially likes to care for children. While he does take his job and his honor seriously, at the same time he also makes sure to fight and defend for what he solely believes in, knowing that with his strength comes the responsibility to protect those who need to be protected.

The most prominent part about his more serious side however would be his detest for violence. While he understands the need for it, senseless battling is something that Armstrong does not wish to be part of - if given the chance he would rather resolve things peacefully rather than resort to fighting and bloodshed. This mentality has been looked down more than once by his elder sister and has also led him to a breakdown during the Ishval War itself which led to his stagnant position as Major. That event has left a dark mark on his soul, and though Armstrong eventually managed to resolve himself into facing his future conflicts head on, he is also working hard to aid in the revitalisation of the Ishval ever since the whole incident with the homunculus has ended.

Character Abilities: As one of the many State Alchemists of Amestris, Armstrong possesses his own brand of alchemy (that has been passed down though the generations of the Armstrong family)! Aided by the transmutation circles engraved on the plates on the back of his gauntlets, Armstrong's method of alchemy is basically though the application of kinetic energy via punching. By striking a solid transmutable material such as earth or stone, Armstrong is able to reshape them entirely. Add that to his large physique and strength, he becomes a most formidable opponent when paired up with his specially tailored combat alchemy. Reshaping materials into things such as arrowheads and spikes can prove to be most deadly, especially when he fires them off with a massive amount of kinetic energy through his fist.

As stated above, he's very strong and fit - trained well in his family's (again, passed down though the generations of the Armstrong family) hand-to-hand combat style which has been specially adapted to suit the alchemy that he uses, as he centres them around punches that can deal massive damage. And for all the energy that he gives at the most inappropriate moments, Armstrong is notably sharp and smart - it takes a lot of brainpower to actually understand alchemy in the first place, and when the time comes for it he's also wholly capable to being subtle when needed. He's not just all dumb muscle as one may thing he is - Armstrong's a lot smarter than most people believe, also able to plan out tactics if he has to.

His drawing skills are also highly impressive (for they have been passed down though the generations of the Armstrong family once again) and before you all forget, there is of course the most important thing about Armstrong that you must remember - he sparkles. Though sadly he doesn't outsparkle Edward Cullen.

Character Weaknesses: Armstrong's emotional tendencies stand at an odds against his duty and job as a soldier - the main reason why he could never go up the ranks in spite of his strength and ability was because he always let his emotions get a hold on him, unlike other people (such as one Roy Mustang). His aberration of violence also doesn't help much as well, especially if it comes to people like innocent bystanders and children - he'll instantly place their safety over everything else that he needs to do. This tendency of his has not been the most approving by many people, but still he does it because he believes that is what he needs to do.

Going to that, Armstrong also places the needs and value of other people above his own; if given a chance and reason, he'll throw himself in the face of danger for the sake of them. While this is good in a way, at the same time its also bad because Armstrong is placing his own life in danger constantly for the sake of others. This kind of tendency is not exactly the best, and it a worst case scenario it means that Armstrong might sacrifice himself one of these days.

Though his abilities and skill as an alchemist is something, there is still the fact that Armstrong still has a relatively big physique, thus making it hard to effectively hide himself or navigate around easily should the need arise. While he's certainly good at dishing out damage and the like, stealth is something that is out of the window entirely for him - that job is better left to people more adapted for it.


Why your character should be a Weapon: Aside from the obvious fact that he's a soldier and thus a human weapon (at least in the terms of Amestris itself), Armstrong is the kind who would take action in order to do what he believes is right and just. Along this line, he would put himself at harm's length in order to fight and protect those he cares deeply about. So being a Weapon would be a good fit for him, as in this manner he can truly do his fighting to protect the ones he wishes to protect - in this case, the Meister he would be partnered with.

What is your character's Weapon form?: Armstrong's Weapon form would be his own specially designed alchemic gloves (that sparkles most wonderfully) - a pair of metallic gauntlets that are connected by a chain (the length being about a metre or so, just long enough for an average human male adult to move their fists around and punch things without much trouble), with steel platings (inscribed with Armstrong's personal transmutation circle) for the back of one's hands that go down to wrist guards at the end. They are fasted to the Meister's hands by leather straps around the palm, and along the knuckles there are spikes which is the basis for his ability.

These knuckles basically grant the Meister the ability to employ the alchemic transmutation that Armstrong himself uses back in his world - a style of combat alchemy that combines both the flexibility of alchemy with his own physical prowess. By punching a solid transmutable element such as walls and stone or the earth, the Meister is able to transmute it into dangerous elements such as spikes which can be employed as a means of heavy artillery. The Meister is also able to transfer the kinetic energy of their blows when they transmute, giving a more offensive edge to the projectiles - however this can only be done when the projectile is movable the moment it has been transmuted (such as throwing up a stone in midair and then punching it).

For this weapon, the level of resonation will affect the amount that is transmutable, and also how often they can actually transmute; for example, initial resonation will only allow the Meister to transmute things within a one meter radius of where s/he punched and can only transmute a few times. Full resonation on the other hand will let the Meister transmute up to a ten meter radius and will take little energy perform transmutation. Without resonation though, the gauntlets still can prove to be a decent weapon - having spikes drilling into you still isn't a good thing to go through, resonation or not. The weakness of this Weapon form would be the chains that hold the gauntlets together - as the chain itself is still part of Armstrong, destroying it would severely disrupt resonation and should this happen, Armstrong will have to transform back before any permanent damage comes to him or his Meister.


Soul Description: Sparkling Emotional, kind, strong, caring, determined, passive.

Soul Appearance: Another fail drawing. Why yes, his soul does sparkle.


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