(no subject)

Apr 01, 2010 13:16

Dear people,

How can I do my job if you keep putting passwords up and not giving them to me? I like to keep my options open, and people in other ministries I work with have often asked about the feature that you are keeping locked away from me! It would be most helpful if you'd please stop acting like I'm some kid who's going to break everything, dudes. I've been doing this for years, now. I'm allowed to have two copier codes, a key to the building, and am considered the resident expert, but I can't unlock a useful feature on the computer program I'm supposed to master?

And by the way, when I got  the virus on the computer last time? It was while I was downloading a converter program to convert a file that, if I had access to this feature of the program, would not ever need to be converted, in the future. Just saying.

- me

Iiiiin other news, I have a million songs to type up! Because in getting the computer fixed, they were all deleted! Joy and awesomeness! By which I mean the exact opposite! dfjnhdfkjlnhjfbngnnnnn

In better news: Supernatural! I'll just keep reminding myself of that, and hope it keeps me from killing anyone sane.

argh, my life is suddenly busy like woah, askjlam, people are sillyfaces, humanity

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