(no subject)

Mar 28, 2010 15:00

So obviously posting live from Relay didn't happen - the person intending to bring the laptop with the internet-anywhere card I could use forgot to bring it, and I think it was a good plan because it was very MOIST out. Not raining, thankfully, just a lot of mist/fog/dew and everything was just very damp all night. Which just made it colder.

So, a brief recap!
  • Our group (Gulf To Lake Church) were second in our category (which was the "large team" one), only behind the local hospital - which had a lot of people on it / in it and most of them were DOCTORS and so they could donate A LOT. We amassed about $6,100 (it's actually 100-something, but I don't know the exact figure; the website has not updated). \o/
  • It was wettttt. I covered this already but adfjbhdfh MOISTURE.
  • It was also COLD. It felt like it was about 20 degrees, and we were out in it all night. I wasn't tired until I spent about three + hours shivering nonstop! Sort of wears you down!
  • I think I was channeling Dean all night.
    • I was complaining about the music, put in a request with the DJ there to play me some Journey. He, of course, was like OH SURE but then never did, so I went back up about two hours later and was like YO, JOURNEY, NOW. He claimed he'd played me some already, but he totally hadn't (he had, however, played "Eye of the Tiger", which was acceptable and approved of, but he said specifically I PLAYED YOU JOURNEY ALREADY and that isn't Journey so it doesn't count), and blah blah basically I stood there for an hour because he said if I hung around he'd play it, but he didn't and I was hurting from the cold/standing, so I went to sit down. He didn't end up playing any Journey (or anything else rockish) until it was already daylight, and there was a lip-syncing contest going on and someone was doing one of their songs, but it clearly was not at my request. Hmph.
      • During the hour I stood there waiting, I was telling him his taste in music pretty much sucked, and he was like HAHAA, WHATEVER, IT'S POPULAR. IT'S WHAT SOCIETY LIKES. I informed him that was because SOCIETY SUCKS TOO and he was just like PSH WHATEVER and danced the Macarana. o.O
      • He WAS hilarious, though! I don't mean to make him sound like a jerk or anything, he was very nice and seriously had an amazing sense of humor, but also very frustrating.
        • He kept joking about how this one booth had lots of potato salad left even by the time it was breakfast time, and they'd have people come tell him what booths were serving what for breakfast, like advertising, sort of, so he was like SO THIS TEAM HAS COFFEE AND DONUTS ...AAAND POTATO SALAD. Which sounds less funny than it was at the time, but then again it was like 5am, so.
    • I entered the pie-eating contest! InnerDean was very proud of me - I didn't win, but I ate like 80% of the pie at crazy speeds. I'd have done better if I hadn't been low-carbing all the way prior, because WOAH, INTENSE SUGAR OMG... and also because it was one of those contests where someone has to FEED YOU, which thankfully it was my mom, but I have these ISSUES with food and the correct delivery of it into my system (i.e. cleaning the fork properly before re-inserting it into my mouth! OMG), which was making me gag a little... But yes. Cherry pie! Mmm.
  • ...some other stuff happened. I don't know, honestly I was a little out of it with COLD and TIRED by about 5am, and from there it just all turned into a big blur of weirdness and bright lights and fog and COLD and caffeine. There was a game of soccer with a giant ball, there was tug-of-war, there was a scavenger hunt (which the Boyscouts won, ironyyy), and some other stuff.
  • I learned that DJs do not = Soundpeople. There was a live act there and the soundrunning was CRAP. I could have done better on an unfamiliar board with no practice/soundcheck. But then he wasn't even really trying, so. Evidently it's really not the same thing.
So yeah. I then went home around noon and fell asleep and slept 'till I like 9pm, woke up and had food, then went back to bed, and had to be up at 4am. So I'm pretty zombie right now. Also Madre is being unreasonable and leaving cords to laptops stretched out across walkways (UNSAFE!) and getting pissed when I TRIP AND ASK HER TO REMOVE IT. Um. And now it's time for band practice. Here's hoping it doesn't completely suck!

muse, music, crazy, relay for life, askjlam

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