(no subject)

Feb 21, 2010 15:19

  • Tonight will be epic. My band is playing in our church, which means a proper stage and a larger captive audience, and I am excited! I get to run words for them, so I'm also a little uneasy - if they change their format, I'm screwed, but if they don't this will be great - but mostly the excited.
  • I'm also excited for tomorrow! Monday! It is my sleeping day! \o/ \o/ \o/ x 395252 I haven't slept well in like forever, and so this way even if I don't sleep WELL I can sleep ALL DAY, and ohh I will be enjoying that SO MUCH. I may also be sleeping on Tuesday, although I have some brochures to make up still and should really get on doing that... but the men use the building Tuesday and it's intensely awkward to be the only female around while their thing is going on, and thus I will more likely than not just work on the brochures Thursday and SLEEP MOAR on Tuesday.
  • Random bloody nose is still random. o.O
  • I am probably not going to write a whole lot today. I am tooooo tired.The kind of tired where even though I'm coming out with a lot of words, most of them are probably crap, and someone should read over it before I post it anywhere (or I should read it when I'm not a zombie) to save me the risk of embarassing myself.
    • Of course this probably means that now that I've said that I'll write well and fast and have something posted tonight or something. Or not. I don't know, it just seems like if I say I will I don't and if I say I won't I do. I apparently like to prove myself wrong.

a/v, askjlam, soundgeek, slacking slacker who slacks, omg!, sleep, i love my band, my band equals lessthanthree, my sleeping habits are fail, aaahhh!

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