(no subject)

Feb 20, 2010 20:14

For those who are not up to date on the story: once upon a time (THE TIME IS NOW), there was RP happening. In it, singe_allerdyce, particolor and myself created a strange AU of Supernatural. Basically it was going to be preseries but now we've screwed around with events in such a way that Sam will never go to college and like a million little things are different! Mostly what's different is that Sam'n'Dean met up with Jo and then Sam got kidnapped (and got Jo kidnapped as a result - cue Samguilt) by Gordon who thinks Sam is evil blahblah tormenting and freezing half to death in a warehouse blah blah ritual to make him manifest crazy powers of migraines and fabric levitation, blah blah rescued now and angsting because he thinks he's evil incarnate.


I'm writing this post that I've been trying to write for days, right? And within this post, Sam is supposed to be mildly broody, like he usually is, mostly angst directed towards "woe, I have no home and no future" as per his pre-Stanford usual. Instead, he is... twisting everything around, and proclaiming that he is evil and should run away and die, or something (and by "or something" I mean that actually it's pretty close to literally wanting to run away and die so he doesn't turn out evil and start killing Dean and Jo people).

It's getting to the point where I worry for his sanity (we'll ignore the fact that I'm talking about the sanity of what basically comes down to a voice in my head, okay?). I think if I knew him for real I'd be having him locked up for his own safety right now.

It just sort of makes me wonder exactly how much different he's going to be, as a character, with all this. The not getting his chance at normal, PLUS us throwing all this crap at him (because I think we're sticking with most of the heavy hits given out in Cannon, at least as far as the plan I got to see goes, so far). Plus he's only seventeen right now, which means he's also got TEENAGER MOODSWINGS to deal with. I'm thinking it'll be a lot worse than just slamming doors and glaring at people a lot.

He's... possibly going to have some kind of huge meltdown in the middle of my brain. Hopefully he chooses a time that is appropriate and does not involve me in a public place freaking the hell out in character, or something, yeah?

...and really, all this post is doing is giving me an excuse to step out of his mindset for a bit, because it is a dark and creepy place in Samland right now. Look, a distraction!

look - a distractilon..., muse, i'm sane i swear, my sam!muse is oddly bitchy, sometimes i use my brain, askjlam

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