(no subject)

Feb 20, 2010 17:56

Ohai, it's not cold today! It's not hot, either! PERFECT WEATHER IS PERFECT. *TWIRLS HAPPILY*

So, my sister and her not!boyfriend (B, for the sake of not calling him that because it is long and also applies to my other sister's notboyfriend, Z) are taking Latin courses online! Which means I totally get to learn it along with them as much as I can, ahahaha! \o/ I already have B's notes from his first session or whatever - and he takes very good notes apparently.

/is a geek

In less awesome news, apparently the moment food touches my stomach, it insists it come back up. Unintentional bulimia is unintentional? I feel great, up until I eat! adhadfhfh.

Also, random nosebleeds are random. And turn into crazy sneezing fits which, while I hate sneezing normally, are actually really hilarious in this case.

WRITING IS HAPPENING. I lost my Sampost that I had written last night, because I thought I'd saved it and apparently it ...didn't save, or something, when I next opened the document to post it. So. But that's like 80% done. And other things are being accomplished... and I productively created two brochures today, also. So, um, good stuff!

Edit: Every time this song comes on, I supply the word PIE for FIRE. And sing it that way. In public. Emma, it's all your fault. <3

exorcizamus te..., askjlam, learning things, random, latin, my internal organs are evil, sometimes i actually write stuff, productive, writing is hard!

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