(no subject)

Jun 12, 2009 15:51

My shopping ability is stunted somewhat. I just spent over an hour wandering a store gathering things I would like to buy, and then decided I didn't want to spend money (because spending money = BAD, guys. Like calling people with telephones is BAD and being dead is BAD and decaf things are BAD) and took the time to go put most of those objects back where I got them from.

Also I tried on shoes and I have big feet because even most of the 10s were not fitting me, aaahhh! Not that I was planning on buying shoes. But, you know, whatever - it's not like I have anything else to be doing on a Friday but useless things to kill time.

And whenever I get access to the internet I am too lazy to do anything with it, because I do not like doing things on the internet in public - especially not with this laptop, as it is tiny and thus draws attention and then there are people crowding around my computer going HOLY CRAP THAT THING IS SMALL IS THAT REALLY A REAL ACTUAL LAPTOP OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD! and that is not conducive to being productive. Also, I never remember what I wanted to do on here until I'm back at home and going "Oh, right! I wanted to ___! Dang, I'll have to remember that on [Sunday, Wednesday, Friday)!" and then I do not. Woe and flailing. I need internet agaiiiin.

I have discovered souvineers for Crystal River, Florida. This is both interesting and disturbing to me, as we are the most crap place ever for tourists (even our beach? Isn't a real beach. And fails really hard. And is possibly full of radiation from the power plant, I don't even know!) in possibly the history of Florida as a whole. So. But at the same time the irony of it makes me want to buy some for people and be like HAHA CRYSTAL RIVER SOUVINEERS, GUYS, LOOK! and thus share a laugh with others who have the same opinion of this town. And they're really cheesy souvineers, too. Like "snow"/glitter globes with flamingoes and alligators and things in them, or those plastic shot glasses that say "I got [drunk/tipsy] in:" and then below it in totally different font (that looks like it was added on as an afterthought) it says the place name, and it's just really hilariously crap and if I were employed and had a regular source of income I'd definitely waste some money on something just for the amusement of it.

I know I had a dream last night, but all I can really remember about it was that it was tragic and made me want to write when I woke up, except I had no idea what TO write, because I don't remember it. So. Mhm. Also now I apparently can sleep on my stomach? This is new, and was probably associated with the dream in some way (since that's how I roll - different dreams and moods therein = different sleeping positions, because apparently I'm a freak, says my sister).

....I am going to go try to figure out what I was going to do, now. Lalala...

fail on a stick!, shopping-ftl, dream, random, florida, my sleeping habits are fail, i fail at stuff sometimes, internet

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