(no subject)

Mar 23, 2009 17:51

Headache, ovaries trying to kill me, knees going HOLY FRICK IT'S GOING TO RAIN ERIN IT'S GOING TO RAIN AND SO WE WILL HURT YOU, and general it's Monday fatigue. Ew.

Just once I'd like a day where I was allowed to relax and not think about ten million things I need to do before my mom gets home from work, or doing anything in general. Seriously, it's Monday. I've had one hell of a long week - running from Tuesday onward, and I think I had a day of nothing on Thursday but I literally do not remember that day at all... and I didn't get my Saturday resting, had to be up early (for no reason, that was totally pointless and I am still fuming about that still) and... can't I just, you know, chill for a day? I mean, I'd like a week, but I'll settle for one day of peace and maybe some sleep (!!!), thanks.

I want to curl up with my kitten and take a nap until my insides stop hurting and my head stops hurting/spinning, but my mom wants me to do dishes and probably, I don't know, scrub the place top-to-bottom or something, and I really don't have the energy for even the dishes part. Or to even walk to the kitchen, dishes or no dishes.

In other, less tired!angsty news, we have a new post office box, now, one that is just ours and not my dad's. 513 is part of the number (I don't remember the rest, I only heard it once over the phone), which amuses me because if you think of Monday as day 1, Friday is the 5th, plus then 13? Makes my inner geek happy. <3


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