(no subject)

Mar 22, 2009 06:03

I took allergy medicine last night to help me sleep, just in case my napping earlier on had screwed me up, and GOD I SLEPT AMAZINGLY. I didn't want to wake up, slept through two of the three alarms I'd set on my phone, and am sitting here staring longingly at my bed. Apparently sleep is addicting!

I have a bad habit of using random numbers to name files on my computer instead of giving them titles. Especially true of things I'm progressively working on, usually writing. I'll just keymash the number pad instead of taking the time to name something, even something simple. So basically this means my files become unidentifiable if I have not used them recently, and I have to open them instead of just glancing at the names and knowing what they are. It's sort of weird and mildly annoying. I need to break that habit. I went through five different files to find the one I was looking for just now...

I love Sundays. Even when the rest of my week consists of me feeling overloaded and exhausted, and even when it means waking up at 4:30 in the morning, and a really long day ahead of me, I just love it. I get to see my band! I love my band! They completely make my week bearable. <3

sunday, habits, my sleeping habits are fail, random, sleep

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