(no subject)

Feb 25, 2009 19:44

Once again, my band have made my week so much better. Even the little annoyances (microphone batteries dying, amps acting silly, etc.) weren't enough to make me annoyed, really. I like that. And they're just awesome people, and I enjoy spending time working with them / listening to their music. <3

The only thing about tonight that upsets me slightly is that I worry so much. One of the bandfolk, who is essentially my brother as far as I'm concerned, is planning on joining the military (I THINK it's the Navy, but I really don't know). And, uh, I worry if he's driving somewhere, or working too much, or sick, or tired, or traveling a few hours away, if I know about it. I just WORRY. So, um, yeah. Panic! Flail! Hyperventilation!

And, see, I hate telling people "you can't tell me that, I'll worry", because then I feel like I'm closing them off - like they won't tell me things because they'll think I'll panic. So I just sort of let him talk and pretended I wasn't having a hard time breathing (or blaming it on the coughing fit I'd had a few minutes ago) and wasn't imagining a million different ways he could get himself killed. He doesn't think he's going to do combat-type things, though, thankfully, but that doesn't mean I'm not freaked out anyway. Ugh, stupid anxious brain, time to shut up now.

In other news, trying to build iTunes playlists for Supernatural (one for the show in general, one for Dean, and one for Sam, thus far) is proving weirdly difficult. Not that I don't have songs that I think fit, just... I don't know. It's not working the way I want it to. But it's distracting enough to keep me occupied, so that's okay, I guess.

sometimes i worry a lot, i love my band, lessthanthree, apparently i have anxiety issues, aaahhh!

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