(no subject)

Feb 27, 2009 17:17

No internet at home right now. It's somewhat frustrating, but I've been writing and playing with iTunes, and I have various games on there to kill time for just these sorts of situations, and so it's sort of okay. It'll get old soon, though, I'm sure.

Last night I took nighttime allergy stuff along with my anxiety medication, and went to bed at 10pm... and slept through the night. Sort of. I kept waking up, staring blankly at things / chasing the kitten off the computer / shelves / assorted places she tries to go and shouldn't, but I was never really properly awake, not like normally, where I can't get back to sleep. I ended up not really officially waking up until noon. It was nice, and now I feel great and not-drugged / not really tired. :)

Um, and I don't really have much else to talk about. Today was sort of boring. I did my eyeshadow rather awesomely, though. Uh, yeah.

In other news, I hate when people smoke outside but leave the door open so basically the wind is blowing clouds of smoke right into my face. Makes it very hard to breathe under normal circumstances, let alone when I'm already breathing impaired. *chokes and dies*

medications are silly, annoyances, sometimes i actually write stuff, my sleeping habits are fail, internet, random

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