(no subject)

Feb 25, 2009 14:29

Slept only three hours, but I feel mostly okay. I could use a nap, but I'm awake and semi-alert, and still excited for tonight. I watched some television (yay!), and informed my mom that she needs to watch the first two seasons of Supernatural, because she has not seen them, even though she loves the show. We didn't really start watching officially until the end of the second season, I think, so. Yeah. And thus she thinks my flailing over Dean's PROTECT SAM OMG is silly and doesn't UNDERSTAND and AAAHHH. So yeah.

Which reminds me, sort of. There's definitely something bothering me about Supernatural episode "Yellow Fever". I love the episode, it's one of my favorites. But... some things really don't make sense to me.

Basically, Sam's whole ...not-worrying thing. Is sort of... confusing. Considering his brother was dead for months, in Hell, and he was a wreck without him, shouldn't he, you know, be freaking out a little bit through the whole episode? Instead of just sort of being like "oh, psh, two hours. Okay. We'll think of something"? Because that just felt off to me. He should have been having a full on panic attack once he figured it out, or at least gotten all GRR BROTHERSAVE TIEM NAO! instead of just sort of ...being real casual about it. And, I mean, sure, staying calm for Dean's sake is one thing, but then when he wasn't around Dean he still should have shown some kind of freakedoutness, okay? That just sort of upset me. A lot. Dean would have freaked out for Sammy. :(

And then the end scene with the yellow eyes, which while watching it online I did. not. see. because the quality was fail. On the television, I could see it, and I almost threw up from the sheer OMG moment of it, because, uh, I get that into my shows (also when I get sudden bursts of emotion from shows / movies, that nearly throwing up thing hits quite frequently. Tears are more likely if it's a slower, drawn-out emotional impact). But, wow. Holy frickin' crap.

Um, I'm scared for the finale now. I mean, I already was, sure, but... *dies and is dead*

In other television news, Psych? Also kills me.

This episode literally made me cry a little bit. I LOVE THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND THAT IT'S NOT JUST SILLY ANYMORE. With Shawn's FREAKOUT and saving the one chick andand then the MOM PART (SHAWN <3's HIS MOM! I love when males (characters or otherwise) are not all "ew mom, stop being affectionate!" and actually show that they love their mothers, you have no idea how much that makes my insides squee) and then OH MY GOD HOLY FRICK. And then Jules! Andandand he closed his eyes when she kissed his CHEEK andand holy frick. The actual killer chick was sort of meh, I didn't really think she was a surprise or anything. But I seriously think I might die waiting for the summer season to start.

I am officially giddy and in full on geek mode now. Unfortunately no one I know in person shares my geeky LOVE to the same degree (the closest being my mom, but uh she's sort of still not at the same level as me) so I can't babble about my shows to people! THIS IS SOMEWHAT DISTRESSING. But I'm too geekygiddy to really actually be distressed (aside from panicking myself into a coma over Supernatural, but that probably doesn't count because with that there is also glee, so).

supernatural, shows, i am emotionally involved in my shows, psych, i am a geek, tv, omg!

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