(no subject)

Sep 07, 2008 04:18

So lately I've been having dreams. Dreams that I remember enough of to tell people, or think about during the day, without being like "huh, I had a dream which vaguely relates to something sort of like this..." and it's sort of cool and creepy at the same time.

Yesterday's (er, Friday night's, since it's now technically Sunday and so that wouldn't make sense) featured me getting sick suddenly while doing a/v for church - I think it was exhaustion + poison + caffeine + "bad lighting", whatever that meant - and was rushed... to a room in the church, which was like some kind of lab/hospital where for some reason one of my friends was waiting for me (or ...somehow was there, I'm not sure) and so was trying to nurse me back to health.
There was a shelf with large gallons of colored liquids which I understood to be various chemicals, and found it odd they were in there like that, and for some reason aforementioned though he was brilliant and climbed up on a counter to get to the shelves, because something I for some reason "needed" was up there (I think it may have been coffee, or where the coffeemaker was kept, or something like that), and then he managed to slip and pull the entire shelf off the wall (apparently it was not attached, was just sort of sitting on brackets) and the jugs of chemicals spilled all over him and he was like... sizzling and writhing and stuff on the floor.

So then I get up, still plague-ridden or whatever, and run off out into the area of the church where people were (because while that area was a hospital-type thing apparently there were no doctors or people attending to me for some reason?). I went to the reception desk, and the pastor's wife was behind it, but I was in line behind this little girl with a mustache (I think it was fake, but I'm not really sure) who was trying to sing a song which I think was the alphabet, but she was getting it really wrong and making clicking noises and stuff, and it seriously took five minutes (well, in the dream... I don't know how long it really was? Or something?) and I was standing there looking at my watch (which wasn't there before that moment, haha) like I was impatient but not freakingthehellouturgent sort of impatient, which I logically should have been...

Little girl finally left, I got help (with much freakingthehellout and drama and crying, apparently to make up for semi-patiently standing in line to wait for her attention?), friend was still doing the writhing and sizzling thing but apparently had not yet succumbed to the crazy chemicals of doom. He was put in a hospital bed (apparently that is the treatment for everything - oh, you broke your arm? Here, get in bed! Plague or food poisoning or whatever the hell this random disease is? Get in this hospital bed! Oh, chemicals? Here, get in this here bed, you'll feel much better in no time!) and I collapsed back on mine, and there was this random conversation about how we both had near death experiences within the span of an hour of eachother and how obviously this meant we were now officially best friends (???)... and then my mom came in and gave us pizza... and then I woke up and it was morning and there was a kitten on my arm (which was entirelyfreakingnumb, shoulder to fingers, by the way - zomg!).

And then the one I had tonight (in the short time I slept, haha) was about me being in a helicopter, but it was on fire, but it wasn't a bad thing. Apparently flaming helicopters are acceptable in dreams. I don't know. Anyway, so I was in there, and there were freakishly large amounts of people in there with me. I think there were like ten or something - and I'm pretty sure that generally you're not supposed to have that many in one at once! Like, seriously, it was small and cramped, and I bet we were heavy... but then again the thing was on fire and no one cared, so apparently weight isn't an issue either...

So we're flying around in our flaming helicopter for awhile, and the guy flying thinks it's pretty hilarious to dodge clouds (which, by the way, are all cartooney and small enough TO dodge) and the sides of the helicopter are open, and so people start falling out. He freaks out, we dive down and "catch them", only they end up getting hit with the propellers and die (by catching on fire - not being chopped up - ??), and he starts being all emo about it, and eventually dives out. I don't think he died, but he didn't have a parachute or anything.

So everyone's like "well, we can't fly this thing!" and I get pissed and demand to know why there's no copilot on board. Apparently he got stuck in traffic, and didn't show, so they left without him. So I go and try to figure the thing out...

...and apparently in dreams flaming helicopters which can carry freakish amounts of people are run with soundboard-looking controls? For some reason NOW the fire became a concern, and alarms were going nuts, and so I landed us, only we ended up landing in the middle of "The Wilderness", which was somehow both a desert and wooded at the same time (think a bunch of forest!trees sticking out of dry sand), and we had no supplies. Cue another "WHAT?!" moment from me, and then us hiking to the nearest civilized location as the helicopter explodes in the background...

Apparently the people were all really dumb, and I soon had people mutinying against me (even though I don't think I was ever officially the leader?) and tying me to a tree (with... uh, magically appearing rope) and contemplating making me for dinner because they were hungry already. I told them I'd rather die and be food than deal with their stupidity for longer, and one didn't know what "stupidity" meant so I had to explain it to him, only the others were contradicting my definition, and so we killed time and by the time they remembered they wanted to make dinner, there was a person wandering over from a search party and he took us home, with much silly commentary on the desertwoods and the creatures therein, sort of like the Crocodile Hunter or something...

Edit: Oh and I don't know why this section of the entry's codes are getting all wonky.

It's weird, 'cause I've never been one for having the really random and nonsense dreams, really. They usually don't feature me, and are vague enough to be semi-logical in some way. These lately? Not so much...

In other news, I've officially decided on Kitten's name! Juliet/Jules, because it really, really fits. Jules (Psych) is generally adorably girly/sweet and then BAM she has no hesitation about clawing your eyes out (well, more aptly shooting you or kicking you or something, and maybe yelling a lot too)! And then it's back to sweet and smiley and aww. And that's totally how my kitten is! So, um, yes. That is her name. My mother isn't thrilled that I do not accept her name (Josey - not even remotely fitting!) and I have not yet informed the rest of the family. They will undoubtedly protest, but, um, they can get over it. :3

Relatedly, this week's Psych? Almost made me throw up from combined the sheer level of awesome and sudden blind panic at the same time. It was an uncomfortable feeling, and something I'm really, really not used to having from this show. I'm pretty sure I like it, though. :)

Tomorrow - church (no a/v), possible grocery shopping, youth group (possible sounddddzomg! Or maybe lights!). I'm oddly excited for it. I love Sundays. <3

sunday, a/v, dreams, weird, kittens!, i have a kitten and her name is jules

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