Sep 07, 2008 20:43

You know those days where it starts out feeling like it's all going to go HORRIBLY WRONG and then it turns out otherwise, and instead is TOTALLY FREAKING SPIFFY TIMES FIVE BAJILLION AND SIXTY-THREE?

Well I've had one of those days. <3
  • Went back to sleep around nine in the morning.
  • Woke up at 2ish and freakedthehellout because I was meant to be at Link at like 3/3:30, and mom wasn't home.
  • Frantically did (very, very light) make-up and flailed at anyandeveryone who would listen about how freaked out I was.
  • Mom arrived bearing groceries, so we had to put those away. More delay, more flailing, more freaking out and more brain exploding.
  • By the time we rounded up the people and got in the van and left it was already like 3:30, so I was flaily and pissy and generally not happy.
  • Got there - they were just starting band practice! So I wasn't actually late after all! Cue much glee from me.
  • More glee when I realize no one's at the soundboard and I GET TO DO SOUND ZOMG!
  • I didn't suck! Like, at all! Somehow! xD
  • I love my band. SO MUCH. It's impossible to explain the level of sheer awesome they've been reaching lately. <333333
  • Random crocheting during moments of boredom apparently amuses and astounds the general population of, oh, the world. Seriously, has no one ever seen it done before? It's really, really weird when they start being like ZOMG WHAT ARE YOU MAKING?! THAT IS SO COOL I MIGHT BURST INTO FLAMES RANDOMLY FROM THE SHEER AWESOME OF WHATEVER THAT IS YOU ARE DOING!! when, like, I'm not even making anything and am just practicing stitches. Sloppy!practicing, even, because triple always has given me issues, and I figured I may as well practice so when I get yarn for the project I have in mind I won't suck and screw up so much... It's just weird, guys. Really. More people need that as a hobby so I do not feel like a weird spectacle for doing it in public.
    • Relatedly, I want to get myself some knitting needles sometime soon because I am horribly rusty at that as well and practicing that would be great. Mhm. Note to self and all that jazz.
  • About halfway through the second set I got in The Zone which is a good place to be and is sort of where my brain turns off and it's just my, uh, innate soundgeek skillz or something knowing what to do with the soundboard when and making everything just sort of work without really paying attention to it except somehow that's all I am paying attention to.... It's weird, and sort of like being overcaffeinated and looking at shiny objects (you're staring at it but you're not really paying attention to it, but you can't actually stop looking at it because it's just so freaking shiny that it's eating your miiiind!) but it's super cool and not creepy at all (anymore - used to be, haha!). Only happens when the band is really doing good, too, which has been more often than usual lately because they are becoming impossibly awesome.  AND I LOVE IT AND WISH I COULD BE LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME. <33
  • There were other things I meant to add but in general I can't think of anything else except for my soundgeeky glee and the awesomeness of tonight...
And then I go home and everyone's mildly pissy because sister 1 broke up with her boyfriend this week (well they're "taking a break" but she's kissed some other guy she also likes and so technically there is that chaos - at least this time I'm not heartbroken because that boyfriend wasn't like my brother or anything like last time, woe!) and sister 2 and her boyfriend were bickering and sister 2 is pissed at sister 1 for being "confusing" towards sister 1's ex and in general it's a complicated mess... and mom's generally not that amused by my geeky glee and so yeah, generally I have lost about fifty percent of that glee in coming home, but it's still there and is instead being shared with you guys because even if you don't care I can pretend you do and that makes me feel better. :)

Also I'm excited for next Sunday because there is more soundtraining for me in the morning, and then obviously this again in the evening. Also on Wednesday I'm going to play music for Adam to listen to and possibly learn to play and that will be crazyawesome as well. I totally just love my life right now, which isn't something I say (even though I sort of think it a lot) very much at all. So yeah. <3333

a/v, glee!, sound, for here or to go?, i am a soundgeek, supercrazyawesome, spiffy, geeky, my band equals lessthanthree, my life totally pwns your life sometimes, excited!, awesome

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