(no subject)

Aug 11, 2008 06:12

Okay, so yesterday? WAS CRAZY. I mean, I'm used to crazy, but this was CAPSLOCKCRAZY most of the time.

  • Couldn't sleep past 2 in the morning. Which was lovely.
  • Running a little late getting to church, so ended up getting there RIGHT at 7, instead of 6:45-ish like I prefer for Designated. Which wasn't a BAD thing, but did have me a little flaily and running(ish) into the building feeling like I was totally late even though I wasn't.
    • That dude at church that I hide from all the time because he hugs me and is scary as all kinds of bad things and who asked me to run away with him that one time? Was AT TWO OUT OF THREE SERVICES. And seemed to be LOOKING FOR ME. Conveniently there was a sound tower for me to duck behind while he was in the room, and then as soon as the coast was a little clear I totally ran and hid in the room the band / a/v people lurk in between services and took my panic out on food (mostly sugary stuff, haha, they give us awesome food you guys!) and coffee (which is so much weaker than mine, it's hilarious. Someday I'm making them coffee MY way and we will all be bouncing off the walls together!). It was scary though. Very scary.
  • RAN across the street (well, not really ran, but semi-ran (best I CAN run) to the car, drove across, ran(ish) into the building) in time for meeting/lunch. Which ran long because Jeff can seriously talk for hours without stopping, haha. :3
  • RAN back across the street (see above for definition of running) JUST in time for handbells (literally JUST in time - came in as they were getting ready to start).
  • RAN back across the street for Link!practice, which... I ended up not doing anything for. Because someone else was doing sound (which was okay, after my initial disappointment, because by that point I was in no-brain-to-mouth-filter-mode and shaking like a crazyface, and would probably have been very panicky-flaily and done things wrong, and it sounded amazing anyway). So I wandered around for awhile drinking iced tea until I was shaking not from sleepiness but from CAFFEINE and then went in and did computer for second service (and didn't totally suck, despite the slides being SO OUT OF WHACK that it was actually both not funny at all and equally hilarious.
And then we went home (and I got to drive part of the way, and didn't fail, despite being mentally impaired at the time), and I went almost straight to bed (poked around online a little, but nothing involving great amounts of reading or thinking or concentration was possible so I gave up). And then woke up at five with a kitten nuzzling me in the face/arm/neck/nose/all over. And curling up on top of me. WHICH IS AMAZING AND CUTE. I'd take a picture of her doing it sometime, but I'd look horrible in the picture, because the angle required to see that she's laying on me would be like BAM, THERE'S ERIN OR MAYBE A WHALE?, and eww. So I'll try, but no promises. D:

Also worthy of note, sometime between two in the morning and six in the morning yesterday I re-pierced my ears' second holes that closed up like years ago. So I can wear more earrings now! I'm happy and mildly excited! Only, um, one hurts a lot. In the sort of way that makes my entire skull throb. So there's a downside to it, but it's not huge, 'cause it'll go away. Eventually. AND THEN I CAN WEAR LOTS OF EARRINGS. Well, I say lots - two per ear isn't actually a lot. But still. Also, shut up if you're mentally commenting on my girly moment. I like shiny things, okay?!

a/v, girly moments sometimes happen, humans are sillyfaces, kittens!, rushingzomg, random, cute, my sleeping habits fail, link, silly, i use lots of tags, creepy old guys like me, capslock is fun

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