(no subject)

Aug 09, 2008 19:00

  • It is freakishly hot. Again. Still.
  • Internet is acting like a spazz, so I'm only really able to get on for like a half an hour every three/four hours, and bleh. Not cool.
  • Pizza is awesome.
  • Having no one at home is also awesome. Today, at least.
    • Of course that never lasts forever, so right now Renee and her boyfriend are here, siiigh... apparently he's here 'till like freaking midnight, too. If he talks too much tonight, or makes sisters talk/laugh too much tonight, I will not hesitate to go out and lecture. Because I need to sleep tonight.
  • Tomorrow is going to be BUSY.
    • A/V (Designated) at 6:30 7 in the morning, 'till noon. At 12:15 pm there's a lunch I'm going to.
    • At 2 I have handbells (because I did it when I was little and LOVED it and never really thought about doing it again, but then last week I was told there was a class at church starting up and it sounded fun so I'm doing it!).
    • And at 4/4:30 starts Link (ACTUALLY BACK IN OUR BUILDING OHEMGEE), which is until about nine, so by the time I get home it'll probably be almost ten at night. So I've totally gotta sleep tonight. And beg momma for caffeine. xD
  • Apparently Kitten thinks I am like her vehicle or something, as she's lately become oddly fond of hopping on my back/shoulders and staying there while I try to go about whatever I'm doing. Sometimes that's okay and super cute (okay, it's always super cute), but sometimes she gets scared while getting up or getting down, and manages to claw my back open in various locations. So that sort of REALLY HURTS. But she's cute, so she gets away with it. Shouldercat! <33
  • My camera cord decided it was time to start kicking the bucket on me, which means I have to upload pictures using the memory card... which my computer does not read. Nor does my mother's computer. I think my dad's laptop might, but I never remember to ask him to upload the pictures when either one of us has the time for it. So I'm going to try to get some pictures uploaded tomorrow when I'm at Link, since that computer (if it's not still freakishly spyware infested, eek!) actually reads my card. And I want my freaking pictures you guys!
  • Sink is still backed up, so we've been washing dishes in the bathroom. Interesting, but creepy. Also apparently there is a hot water leak somewhere under the house, because the bathroom cabinets exude heat and humidity. A lot. So I'm sort of predicting some kind of explosion of hot water at some point, unfortunately - last time that happened, it was in my closet, too. D: We seriously need to move or something. Preferably before my room becomes a sauna in more than the proverbial sense.
  • Fake tea is fake. And weird. And 99% caffeine free. And ...doesn't taste anything like tea at all, actually. What's wrong with these people?!
  • Oh, and also, mini candy-canes are good. Shan and I are now referring to them as our crack. So if I randomly reference myself being addicted to crack, that's what I'm talking about. I'm not actually on drugs. I said that to my mom last night and she was like "...?!?! Crack?!" and I was like "...yes. Minty-fresh crack, mom. Try some." and dripped sarcasm all over the floor, and it was hilarious.

bullets are fun, weird, kittens!, hot, the internet hates me, there are people in my house, geeky things, a/v, ow, lists!, things that make me smile, family, silly, lots of tags!, florida-the-evil, busy

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