New Years resolution #1 is down - I tried the climbing wall at the YMCA!
As expected, I was terrible at it! The first attempt I had they didn’t understand that I need the REALLY EASY WALL, like the kids one dude seriously. I guess you could look at me and see a skinny girl in the gym wearing workout clothes and think that I am in shape. But I am not strong. So I barely made it above my own head.
Next attempt, as illustrated, I made it higher but it was scary and I wanted to come back down. This was on a part of the wall that I’d just watched like a six year old girl get to the top. But she had a fearlessness that I do not have.
There’s another YMCA in town with a 60 foot wall, this one is 30 feet, but that’s more than I need!
Marc said he’d go with us but would not try it. Then he tried it and had a blast. He’s dying to go back! He climbed higher than me and wants to learn how to anchor people and be all into it.
Olive and Josie also had fun and got higher than me, but this hobby takes serious grip strength that we don’t have.
Also my triceps hurt all the next day, and you guys I did like… four climbs? The longest lasting TWO MINUTES? But every time I tried to push myself up out of a chair or something I felt all the muscles in the back of my arm near my armpits all yelling at me.
We’ll try again. They have open climb every week where anybody can get in there. If marc somehow really does learn to belay, we could go any time we want.