Sunny days

Feb 03, 2022 08:23

It’s Kansas so it’s 60 degrees one day, 10 the next. Luckily we had the 60 degree days on the weekend, which meant Olive finished painting our window trim. At least, the bottom edges.

The reason it looks weird is because I hired a guy to replace the trim and he... was interesting. Flaked out, took months, and made very strange decisions about what to replace and what to not replace. I guess I'm glad we tried a new person on the side windows, not the front. The caulking and painting got left to us. Whatever. I still have his ladder, if he ever feels like coming back. I just got sick of bugging him and took what I got. Of the thumbtack app hires I've done this is not the best.

We got out of COVID jail! Marc tested negative, the rest of us made it through our assigned days. I'm still really upset that I missed my cousin's wedding, the family doesn't get together often enough. But there will be another one, someday? Maybe?

The 2nd weekend of COVID was like a cold that just will not go away. My sinuses felt terrible. I had a few more sore throat days. But we were fine, and now we're in the clear for a while.

Post-COVID "stuff I couldn't do" resolutions: get my hair cut, seriously. get my oil changed.
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