Fic: Scent of a Man (John/Rodney, NC-17)

Jul 26, 2006 15:45

Title: Scent of a Man
Author: Sandy
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney, Established Relationship
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~1,000
Disclaimer: As much as I would love to own John & Rodney, alas I do not. I only make them have sex.
Summary: As he walks through the silent halls of Atlantis, he carries Rodney's scent with him.
Written for the smut_69 community.
Prompt #27 Scent
My John/Rodney Table
A/N: Fourth story in the series that started with The Cave. Takes place the morning after the events in Coupling, however, the other stories don't need to be read for this to make sense.
Many thanks to linaerys for the quick beta.

John lays in the dark, his arm draped over Rodney's sleeping form, and counts down the minutes. Soon he will have to rise, leave the warmth of the man he's spooned against, and return to his own cold bed. It's necessary, he knows this. As much as he longs to stay here until morning, he knows he must go while the city sleeps. It's the price he must pay so that he can have these few stolen moments. It's hard though. He's only just discovered how much he wants Rodney, and now the thought of leaving causes almost physical pain.

One of Rodney's arms lies bare and pale above the blankets, and his white skin glows in the pre-dawn light. John lowers his head and breathes in Rodney's fragrance. He smells of coffee and sweat and sex. He smells of John. But mostly he smells of the unique musk that says Rodney, and John breathes in so deeply he can almost taste Rodney's scent.

He knows he should go, but he lingers, reluctant to move. Time is slipping inexorably by, however, and so John leans forward to press a goodbye kiss on a bare shoulder before he rises. His hand slides lightly down the exposed arm, and John intertwines his fingers with Rodney's. Rodney's fingers tighten around his, and he knows he's awakened him, though he really didn't mean to.

"Go back to sleep, Rodney," he orders softly, disentangling their fingers and pulling away.

Rodney turns over and asks sleepily, "What time is it?"

"Nearly four," John answers.

"It's too early to get up," Rodney says around a yawn, and John smiles.

"You don't have to get up, Rodney," he tells him, pressing another kiss to Rodney's shoulder. "But I have to get back to my quarters before the city wakes up."

Rodney's hand skims down John's arm, and he slips his fingers in-between John's.

"Yeah, you should go," Rodney agrees, but he doesn't release John's hand.

John knows he should pull away, get out of bed, dress, and leave, but Rodney is sleep-warmed and tempting, and John can't resist stealing just one last kiss. John discovers that he's too greedy, though, and one kiss leads to another, and then another.

He moves over until he half covers Rodney, one leg rests between Rodney's thighs, and his rapidly hardening cock brushes against Rodney's hip. He can feel Rodney's own growing erection pressing into his belly, and John's desire grows so strong that he feels helpless to stop himself. He reaches up to cup the back of Rodney's head and pulls him in for another kiss.

Their tongues touch, retreat, and touch again until John breaks the kiss and trails his lips across the rough stubble on Rodney's jaw to his neck. Kisses and nibbles and licks bring gasps of pleasure, and when he slides a hand over ribs and belly, he feels Rodney's skin quiver under his touch. He trails his fingers up the length of Rodney's cock, wraps his hand around it and strokes. A flick of his thumb spreads the tiny drop of pre-come over the head, making it slick and inviting.

Rodney thrusts into his hand, and he feels so damned good filling John's palm, real and solid, thick and hard. When John can wait no longer, he slips over until his body completely covers Rodney's. He aligns his cock alongside Rodney's, and then wraps his hands around Rodney's shoulders. His hips begin to move, rubbing against the soft, warm skin. Rodney's strong hands trace down his back and pull him close.

Their panting breaths and gasps, the susurration of flesh moving against flesh, and the squeaking of the mattress are the only sounds in the room. Tension is building in John, so good he never wants it to end. He gasps as Rodney rolls his hips just so and a bolt of pleasure shoots through him, sharp and sweet. He lowers his head to Rodney's neck, licks at a salty droplet, and breathes in, the scent of Rodney's arousal driving John to the very edge.

He moves his hips faster now and harder, his cock rubbing against Rodney's solid length, seeking and finding pleasure. His lungs desperately draw in air, and his need is becoming almost painful, but he holds off, waiting for Rodney. A hand moves between them and Rodney is touching him, grasping him, pressing them together, and, oh god, it's so good. He hears a sob, and knows it came from him. They're frantic now. Sweat slick skin glides easily through Rodney's hand. The squeaking protest of the mattress sounds an accompaniment to their harsh breathing. John's close, but he holds back, willing himself to wait, and then Rodney tenses under him, his back arches, and he cries out. John feels the warmth of Rodney's release between their bodies, and then, finally, he allows himself to come.

He rests for a few minutes lying on top of Rodney, held in his strong arms, gasping for breath, breathing in the sharp musk of sex and sweat, content to stay there forever. But he can't stay, the dawn approaches, and at last he lifts his head and kisses Rodney before he pulls away and rises. He stumbles to the bathroom on wobbly legs, washes and dries himself, and then he returns to the bedroom to gather his clothes and dress. The first faint blush of dawn glows through the windows.

When he is ready, he returns to Rodney for one last kiss and a promise that they'll see each other at lunch. He breathes in once more, the smell of Rodney even stronger now after they've made love, and then he rises and leaves.

As he walks through the silent halls of Atlantis, he carries Rodney's scent with him.

The End

smut 69, sga fanfic

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