Nov 06, 2006 18:57
Today I woke up at 5 and did three loads of laundry. I fooled around on the internet for a while and for some reason remembered to look up Stephen Colbert's press speech, printed it and read it. Beautiful start. I found cool mail at my parents' mailbox: Free, BONUS CD from Ebay (which made its way to the coffee shop bookcase,) and a package from Karlson, my Backcountry supervisor who sent me nine music CDs and two picture CDs along with a nice little, funny letter. Then I bought excellent fruit to eat (pear, apple, orange, banana.) Got to work at perfect time and worked quickly and competantly, which is above average for me and it rocked. I talked to a woman from Pennsylvania who is having an impeachment party tomorrow. Smile! I left with decent tips, a peach & cream cheese pop tart and an Arnold Palmer along with the news that my car will be out of the shop... probably tomorrow. Went to BGC early and good thing, too, since the kids got out early and I had no clue. They watched a movie, then I closed the art room to clean and watch CNN. Then I openned the room again and made paper cranes- my favorite project. A little boy, Scott, got in trouble for telling another boy he had no penis. I explained the indecency and insults (in little kid terms) but after he got off timeout I asked him why he got on time out and he said, "I told that other boy he didn't have a penis." Me- "Why is that not okay?" Scott- "Because boys have a penis and girls don't and it's not fair." Then the room wound down relatively early and I had time to record all this. And the day ain't over yet!