A long long week......

Apr 02, 2007 08:23

I'm just sitting here at my internship site waiting for the day to start. I figured I'd update a little about my weekend and the week to come. Friday morning I woke up with horrible allergies. I sneezed about a billion times. It made it real fun getting ready. Then I went to go get my hair done.. finally!! I got it highlighted and trimmed. I was suppose to get a lot more off of it then I did. It's getting really long because I missed my last appointment. I told her to take the whole bottom layer off, but she didn't oh well! I like my highlights though. Maybe I'll still with the blonde longer than I did last time. Umm let's see Friday night I watched Happy Feet - very cute movie! Then Saturday my mom and I went to see Meet the Robinson's. It was cute and very funny. Then we went grocery shopping. Saturday night we watched Eragon. Lots of movies this weekend. Yesterday I did tons of laundry!! It's amazing how many clothes you can go through! Last night I watched some OC. I've been missing it since it got canceled and Soapnet keeps having commercials for it and One Tree Hill since they are starting to rerun them both next week. So I watched some season 2, and even got my sister to watch it since I was talking about it.
This week is going to be sooo long!! Today we're stopping by Wal-mart on the way home because my mom forgot about Easter, so she has to go get stuff so she can mail my sister's box out tomorrow. That'll take a while plus we'll have to get the box ready this evening. Tomorrow is my last Tuesday evening alone. I love my Tuesdays! My dad has night classes so my mom goes with him to go visit my great-grandma every Tuesday and I have the house to myself, but tomorrow's the last class!! :( Wednesday morning my mom has to go to work early because she has to go to breakfast with the people from her work, so that means I get here even earlier!! I'm already here like an hour and a half early!! Then Thursday my mom has a hair appointment after work at like 5, she usually picks me up at 4:15, so we won't get home until who knows when!! Like I said, a long long week! But Monday the place where I'm doing my internship is closed, so I have a 4 day weekend!! Yay!! That is fun! I'll just keep looking forward to that.
No TV shows to really look forward to or chat about. Everythings in reruns, and CW is not bringing back a few of their shows until May! How annoying!! American Idol is of course new. It's not as great this year. Blake's my favorite. Several others are good too. Bones is new thankfully the only real show that is! They keep teasing us with a possible Brennan/Booth hookup wonder how long they'll keep that up?! Ok well I think I'm going to go. It's nearly time for everyone to get here. In case I'm not on here before then...Happy Easter!!!
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