Smallville and Supernatural

Mar 18, 2007 21:50

This past Thursday was the best night of television that I've seen in a long time. Smallville was so good! Heartbreaking but good. I liked how it was done. It was a little confusing at first, but you just had to get the hang of it. I liked how they showed it from each person's point of view. The opening sequence was really good. I love that song! I should have gotten the Snow Patrol a long time ago. I had considered it after I heard the Chasing Cars song, but I never did. Now I want it! This scene (from the icon that rogue_missy generously loaned me) was so heartbreaking. It's my background now too. The other night I stayed up forever saving screencaps from the episode. Lex and Lionel sure showed their true evil selves in the episode. I wish that we finally would have found out what Lex did to Lana, and what is up with this pregnancy. This was seriously one of the best episodes. It is really the best season. I even read that on the MSN TV report card. They were talking about how Thursday nights on the CW is one of the best nights and how this is Smallville's best season.
Supernatural was really good too. The ending was a shock. It looked like everything was solved and over and there was still 20 minutes left so I was wondering what they were going to do. That was a nice little twist. The whole scene with them and that girl Molly at the end was really good. As much as I liked it last season I think this season is even better.
Grey's Anatomy was good and the ending was shocking. I officially watch that on Fridays though since it's on during Supernatural. I liked that new show that premiered on ABC, October Road. It seems like it's going to be good.
I swear the weekends just fly by. It seems like it was just Thursday, now it's Sunday night and tomorrow I go back to my practicum. My supervisor said I could stay there for my internship, so I'll be there until August now. I was glad I got to stay though. I really didn't have any other options, plus I like the people there. One girl is helping me apply to this one school for my PhD. If I get in it'll be good if I can discuss it with her.
Gosh I swear I need to start getting up earlier on the weekends to enjoy them more. I always want to sleep in, but then I get nothing accomplished and don't even get to do anything to sit and relax really. Ok speaking of sleeping I need to go, so I can finish up on here, iron stuff for tomorrow and go to bed.
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