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Apr 29, 2007 18:13

Well it's been awhile so I thought I'd update. I've just been working on my internship. That has been keeping me busy. I won't be finished with it until August, which is a good and bad thing. I like hanging out with the girls there, but I'm a bit tired of getting up sooo early! I've been applying for jobs, and I'm waiting to hear back from a school I applied to for my PhD. The application wasn't even actually due until tomorrow, so it may be awhile. It's for the fall, and if I get in I have to go to California for a week in the fall, so I'm hoping I find out soon (the earlier I can get the ticket the better especially since I have no clue how I'm going to pay for it!).
I'm going to be having a busy next few weeks. At the end of this week I'm dogsitting for a girl at work from Wednesday to Sunday. Hopefully it will be a fun time. I will be there carless though, so it may get a bit lonely. Then the next weekend I have a hair appointment where hopefully I can get my hairdresser to take off some more (she takes trimming too literally), and possibly touch up my highlights. That is Friday and then Saturday my sister is coming in for a week. Her birthday is actually this weekend (the 6th), but she's coming in the next weekend.
All my shows have been good lately, even Gilmore Girls. It was really good this past week. I actually think I'll watch it again today. Smallville and Supernatural have been really good. I downloaded the Hollywood Babylon episode off itunes it was really funny. Smallville has been getting really good. Actually it's been a really really good season over all. I'm excited for the finale (except that it is the week my sister is in, so I'll probably just have to tape it!). This weeks looks really good with the whole Noir thing. Hopefully I'll get to watch it while I'm dogsitting. If not I'm setting everything to tape. Hopefully it all works! Everything had to start back up this week. Veronica Mars is finally back on this week!! One Tree Hill too.
Well I should go. I need to get some things done.
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