an angel shall be with thee shortly, or, I am incapable of not using Colbert Christmas titles

Nov 12, 2010 20:25

Dear Yuletide Gift-giving Type Person,

Hi! So you got me for your recipient; I'd be freaking out too. But I hope you're not worrying too much, because I promise I am mostly very easy to please. If you love one of my teeeeny fandoms even half as much as I do, I'm sure you'll do fabulously. If you have fun, I can pretty much guarantee that I will too. I care far more that the story works for you than that it hits some pre-decided list of my likes. :)

If you want to know more about me, though, here's a little bit of blather.

I love: characters being cool and competent, characters being a bit rubbish for understandable reasons, mostly-happy endings, happy endings that have been worked hard for, snappy banter, character distinctive dialogue, teams and families, backstory, futurefic, in-between-the-lines-fic, crossovers and AUs where there's some epically geeky reason for them to work, geeky details, characters whose actions speak louder than words, humour, using humour as part of something more serious, sense of place, unusual perspectives, distinctive narrative voice, unusual perspective. (You could probably sum this lot up as "the geekier the better", really!) I like het, gen, and slash, but the fandoms I've requested this time are more slash or gen fandoms for me.

I'm not so keen on: graphic violence, sex scenes that get to the level of squelching noises and requiring a manual, consent issues, doom and gloom, people being embarrassed or humiliated. I'd also rather have at least some plot: I know we don't have a lot of time this year, and you certainly don't need to worry about this, but if you've got one idea where something happens and another which is basically all character introspection, I'd go for the one where something happens.

I've also gone into my requests in a bit more detail, just in case you'd find that helpful. There should be some further info on the relevant tag, as well. Um, hopefully. *can't remember*

1. Mad Men
(peggy olsen/joyce ramsay)

Peggy and Joyce: together, seperately, in the past, in canon, in the future... all is good! If you feel like femmeslashing then please do - a story about Peggy discovering that her thing for older dudes isn't the end of the story would make me very happy. But equally, a story about their friendship going into the future, or a Joyce story about how she became who she is and how she feels about that, would also rock my proverbial socks.

I think this says it all, really: I love Peggy! I love Joyce! Slash them or not, a story with them in it is going to make me happy. I love that Peggy is so central and so fleshed out a character, and I am completely fascinated by Joyce and how seemingly confident she is doing her thing in a world that doesn't have much space for that. We don't have a lot of detail on Joyce, but I would love to get some: how did she end up so confidently hitting on Peggy? How'd she meet her arty friends? Where might she and Peggy be in ten or twenty years that they would never have ended up without meeting each other? What role do they end up playing in each others' lives?

I particularly love historical detail dorkiness, social and political context, Peggy being hilarious in her very Peggy way, and the complexity of the world and characters the Mad Men creators have made. Mmm... geeky. And if you're worrying about the politics... I mostly think the Mad Men creators do an amazing job bringing in some political themes while not making the plots political. You can read my Thoughts about the show and politics on my Mad Men tag.

I am all good with just a story about Peggy, if you clicked here and are currently going 'eek wtf', but if you do, I'd rather it not focus too much on the dudes in her life. (I love Peggy, but the men she goes for make me want to smack them in the face.)

2.Making History - Stephen Fry

I love Steve/Mikey, but what I really love in this story is the universe hopping. I want to know what happens after you wake up in your happy ever after alternative history! Are more things different than just the tragic demise of Oily Moily? What does Jane think about her ex suddenly acquiring a boyfriend? I weirdly love Jane, and any story about her POV on events would be really cool. But if you don't, then please feel free to bring on the stories about Mikey and Steve learning about each other and their new universe, or getting mixed up in further time-changing shenanigans, or twenty years in the future, or...

Seriously, I am such a sucker for geeky sci-fi conceptual things and stories about their impact on the people who live through them. I first read this book bloody years ago, and I am still all intrigued by the universe: how do you cope with living in a universe where the history you remember is wrong? What's that like?

And then the final conversation with Jane, a character I am weirdly fond of because I can completely see that being shacked up with Mikey might not be all sweetness and light. That conversation made me wonder what on EARTH everyone else thinks has happened to Mikey and Steve, just how weird that must look from the outside. But basically anything about this universe will be delightful. :D

Oh, and if you are wondering whether I'd be okay with Steve/Mikey/Jane - yes, yes I would. It's certainly not a requirement, and I love Mikey and Steve just as they are, but if you are feeling the poly love then feel free to bring it on. (Now that would be a hell of a relationship coversation. Heh.)

3. Psmith stories, PG Wodehouse

Mike and Psmith are epically in love! (Okay, that absolutely doesn't need to involve sex - it's Wodehouse after all, anyone attempting sex with Wodehouse characters is braver than I am.) As long as the epic affection and ridiculous ability to get out of every scrape is there, I will be equally epically delighted. I quite like the idea of a Mike-gets-last-word-for-once fic, or maybe one about how they managed to make their clearly weird and yet adorable friendship work in their adult lives?

This is a rehash of the request I made last time, and everything I said then remains true. :) Basically, AU or futurefic or between-the-lines-fic or anything you want will work just fine for me as long as it has Mike and Psmith in it and it's not too tragic or painful. This is one of my go-to fuzzy happiness fandoms, and pretty much anything in it written with affection will make me go like this: :D

4. Magnetic Fields' Drive On, Driver

Who's the girl who never showed up? WHY didn't she show up? Who on earth is Randy the driver and why are they upset about this? Who's the woman singing, who waited for hours? What exactly all went wrong - it sounds like it could be a love affair, but then there's hints it isn't. Basically, to me this is a song with stories implied, and I'd love to get to read one.

(just in case: the lyrics are here and the song itself can be found on YouTube here.)

It was actually the video for this song that got me thinking of it as a story song. It's just kind of beautifully weird and unsettling, and made me realise that it's not necessarily a love song at all. (Personally, I could go either way, but the Fields are famous for queering stuff up, so I am quite happy for a love story to be involved. *g*) And even if it is... why didn't the girl show up? Where is she? Is the singer really going to go extremely far away in response? And who exactly is the singer, anyway? What's their relationship with Randy-the-probable-driver? I may be drastically over thinking it, but I'd love to see a bit of this world in story form, however that strikes you.

There. If you've read that, Yuletide Gift-giver Person, then well done. And thankyou, in advance: just knowing that someone else out there really does like one of the teeny fandoms I love makes me so happy!

possibly slightly overexcitedly,

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music, fandom, yuletide, navel-gazing, stephen fry, mad men, psmith

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