Today I am mostly having Sunday night anxiety. Why Sunday night should be a particularly anxious time, I don't know, but for me it definitely is. Stop it, Sunday night.
Elementary did something I'm not 100% sure of this week. ( spoilers )
I am knackered, and feel completely pathetic that going back to work after a break has knocked me for six. Particularly since my boss forgot to renew my computer login at work, meaning I couldn't even do very much and got sent home early. /me\ But: I spent my newly freed hours watching The Good Wife, which...
I got to spend some time with catwalksalone and her husband TB yesterday, and this was an utter delight, as ever. We had yummy dinner - in a ridic posh house, I am easily intimidated by houses (what?) but it was GORGEOUS - and lovely conversation and more weeks should have a Cat and a TB in them
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