Today, I'm feeling boring.
I rarely get bored (my favourite thing about being a geek, heh), but feeling like I just don't have anything particularly interesting to say is a fairly frequent thing. Life has become basically slobbing about, either with friends or reading, and that doesn't exactly make for gripping reading. :)
Today, though, I've decided I'm going to Do Something. This something is going to take the form of Feedbacking, as I truly suck at it. Also, yesterday I read this really good fic that completely screwed with my head, and I figured this was as good an excuse for me to get my arse into gear as anything else. (It was one of those things where you're sure you know what's going on, and then you discover you don't - only with this one, you then discovered that actually you were wrong then, too. And all this is brought together with lovely lovely meta commentary done in a very subtle way, and it just rocks, yo.)
In other writeriness, I've been feeling all inspired for a long canonical-slash Stargate story. This is good, only it involves planning, something I am famously complete crap at, since I have no patience when it comes to these things. Ah well, I should probably learn, eh? And also - yay,
Daniel Jackson! (I mean, as much as I love
Jack for his snarkiness and ability to quote The Wizard of Oz, Daniel wins out for the geek factor.)
Finally: does anyone have any idea what the hell's happened to
Tomato Nation?
Now I'm off to watch 'To Kill A Mockingbird' with my sister, and then go to earn some money terrorizing people's children. Whoo!