drabble dump iii; love & marriage

Apr 05, 2011 06:20

we got divorced (seohyun/yonghwa)

it's not real, seohyun reminds herself, not really, anyway. it's all about getting attached, then not having to be attached anymore. nobody's forcing her to hold on or let go - all they're doing is cutting the cord that makes them do both.

seohyun isn't sure which to choose, or if she even has to choose at all. she's so used to having all her decisions made for her (nothing is agreed upon without a contract and your manager checking it against your schedule, she's learnt over the years) that it feels odd to have something all to her own.

yonghwa is brilliant, in a way that shines far too bright for someone as calm and dull as her. he makes her want to try, want to capture some of his light and tuck it away to use in her moments of darkness. yonghwa, at least for a little while longer, is hers.

she loses a part of herself trying to get a part of him. in between the holes of her pink scarf and the gaps of her makeshift guide book, there's a little bit of seohyun that slips between the cracks and into his waiting hands.

yonghwa holds these pieces and smiles, that stupid, awful, beautiful smile of his, as if he knows that these parts are the ones that seohyun treasures the most, the ones that she would never let go of unless she could completely trust that the person holding them wouldn't lose them.

so she decides, because she's not going to be the one that's left behind this time. she's going to take and take and take because this is hers - he is hers, and she won't let him go, not when she's given almost everything she holds dear (her hand and her heart and her soul).

they're not going to end, not really. the producers can do whatever they want - edit and piece together their relationship for the entire world to see, but it's not going to stop whatever it is between them. they have phones and they have secret coffee shops and late night dates and they have time, because it's not true that idols can't date - it's just takes a lot more effort.

and seohyun has always been a hard worker.

so she holds on. nobody's forcing her, signing a contract and tell her to love him, because this time she's choosing not to let go.

yonghwa would hold onto her hand tighter even if she tried.


we're still married (nichkhun/victoria)

"what are you doing?"

nichkhun attempts to hide the cake he's been decorating for the past half-hour from her view.

"uh, nothing."

victoria raises an eyebrow, her arms full with grocery bags. nichkhun reaches to take them from her, before belatedly realising he had forgotten to shield the cake from her. his ears turn alarmingly red as victoria peers over his shoulder, dumping the bags in his hands. he tries one more time to block her view, sliding his broad shoulders between her and the counter, but she merely darts around him like a little deer.

"what is this?"

nichkhun can hear the laughter she tries to hide in her voice. he sighs dejectedly, placing the groceries on the bench. victoria is grinning (as in, the kind of trying not to laugh grin) as she inspects the white, frothy thing.

"that," he mumbles, pulling his beanie over his ears shyly. "is a cake. that i baked. and tried to salvage with frosting."

victoria looks pleased, almost charmed. nichkhun knows because the tip of her nose is turning red and her eyes are crinkling in that way she only does when she's really happy. she's about to coo at how adorable he is (or at least, nichkhun hopes she is) when her brows furrow in confusion.

"wait, why on earth are you baking me a cake?"

nichkhun blinks.

"um, isn't it our anniversary...for something?" he's geniunely confused now, because he swears today is supposed to be important.

victoria blinks.

"um, no?"

nichkhun's jaw drops.

"wait, what? so you mean today is just a normal day? not something important in korea or china or thailand or the rest of the world?"

this time victoria laughs, loud and lovely like a wind chime, and it's kind of beautiful.

"no, today isn't something stupid like our twenty-second day or our three-hundredth day," her eyes are curved gently, and she reaches out to lace her fingers with his. "today is just a really nice, normal day that you decided to bake a cake on."

nichkhun sighs, resting his forehead against hers.

"today is also probably the day you get food posioning." he deadpans.

victoria rolls her eyes, giggling softly against the crook of his neck. nichkhun likes the way it makes his skin hum.

"i'm sure it's not that bad," she teases, before her eyes grow serious. "though to make sure, how about you and i make another cake together?"

nichkhun pouts and tries to wheedle a kiss out of her, but victoria is already pulling away and tying on her apron.

"honestly, i don't even know why you even step into the kitchen when all you do is make a mess."

he gets her back later when he smears frosting all over her. she gets him back by not letting him lick it off her.


let's get married (wooyoung/yeeun)

"i'm going to marry you someday."

yeeun snorts, not even looking up from her book. her bare feet rest on his lap, and she's idly twirling a lock of hair between her fingers. wooyoung rolls his eyes, pinching at her toes.

"i mean it, you awful woman."

yeeun raises an eyebrow.

"wow, you're really winning me over with this romantic proposal of yours," she deadpans, prodding at his stomach with her foot. "jang wooyoung, you sap."

wooyoung merely catches her ankle and proceeds to tickle her foot. yeeun squeals, flailing and kicking at him. her glasses slip down the bridge of her nose, her hair begins to fall out of her ponytail, and she should be looking kind of really hideous right now but somehow, she still makes his breath catch.

he finally lets go, before snatching at her hands and tugging her closer to him. yeeun lets herself get pulled flush against his chest, grumbling under her breath even though she knows he can see the upward curve of her lip. wooyoung sighs against the space between her neck and her shoulder, where his face fits perfectly.

"you never said no," he reminds in the crook of her neck, smirking when he feels her shiver. "i think you kind of like the idea of marrying me."

wooyoung is sure yeeun is rolling her eyes. it should scare him, the way he knows her so well, from the years they spent as awkward, pimply teenagers together, to the years they spent awkwardly skirting around their attraction, to the years they spent together, together.

to the years they will spend together.

(it should scare him to see a future with yeeun, but it doesn't - it really, really doesn't.)

"and i think you're only asking me because i'm the only one that can put up with you," she says teasingly, linking her pinky with his. "after all, who would want a man who kicks in his sleep and eats ice cream for breakfast?"

wooyoung pokes her ribs, eliciting an adorable squeak he knows she will later deny.

"you, obviously ~" he sing-songs.

yeeun makes a face, before turning around and cupping his face between her palms. she brushes a thumb over his cheekbones, leaning her forehead against his, before kissing him.

wooyoung thinks it's kind of stupid (amazing) that it still makes the butterflies in his stomach flutter.

"obviously." she sighs against his lips, threading her fingers through his hair.

wooyoung takes that as a yes.


forever alone (taecyeon/eunjung)

taecyeon props his chin against his hand, elbow resting on her thigh.

"so i hear you're getting married."

eunjung rolls her eyes, batting at his arm. she yawns, the sheet slipping down her bare waist as she stretches. taecyeon takes a moment to press a butterfly kiss against the jut of her hipbone, chuckling against her skin when she shivers.

"you're such a fucking douchebag," eunjung says conversationally, threading her fingers through his hair (the blonde is starting to grow on her). "i bet jang woo-sshi will be much nicer to me."

taecyeon makes an affronted noise that sounds like a dying bird, before pouting.

"i'm nice! i came straight to you dorm as soon i landed, whisked you away and ravished you all afternoon!" he worms his way up to her shoulder, nipping at her skin as he goes. eunjung tries her best not to laugh (it'll only encourage the smug bastard). "you're a hard woman to please, ham eunjung."

his fingers start to play up and down on her stomach, and she sucks in a breath. taecyeon smirks.

"i can be very, very nice." he whispers, in a way that should be greasy but really, really isn't, against her collarbone.

eunjung doesn't believe him until he makes her come by the window, hands clenched around the ledge and not even noticing the snow falling outside as she arches into his fingers.

"i'm still not going to have an affair with you," she deadpans as she watches taecyeon dress. "i can't tell if it's weird or just kinky that you want to fuck right after i film for we got married."

taecyeon shrugs, letting his shirt fall open because he knows eunjung will look.

"it's still an affair if your husband doesn't know about it." he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

eunjung scoffs, before tugging him over to button up his shirt for him. it feels almost domestic, as if she did this every morning they wake up, before he goes to work and she wakes up the kids. she hums against his collarbone, and it makes his skin tingle in a really not unpleasant way. it's almost lovely, this quiet moment they have in between schedules and away from the roles they play (she's just gotten a new one, but he's kissed suzy so it makes them even).

"make sure you don't fall for him." he murmurs against the top of her head.

eunjung chuckles, her fingers tangling with his.

"how can i, when i already have you?" she says softly, before her eyes twinkle mischievously. "after all, who else can say they have giant troll for a mistress?"

eunjung squeals when taecyeon tries to pick her up and throw her on the bed.


forever always (kwon/ga in)

kwon thinks he'll never not think of ga in as his wife.

it's ingrained in him, after a year of tentative touches and quiet conversations between filming. he can't help but reach out for her first, lean on her or let her lean on him. it's far too easy to fall into the same old patterns - the ones he's created with ga in over time, the ones he's earnt through effort and time and love.

it's the familiarity kwon clings onto, from the dark lines that shape her eyes to the way she always hits him on the shoulder whenever he tries to grab her waist.

it's comforting to know that everything they built up when they were together isn't broken just because the producers say they are. there's a camaraderie, a closeness that kwon refuses to let go of.

he stills texts her all the time, in between takes of the sitcom even though she's only on the other side of the room. he still gets jealous whenever doojoon has a scene with her (which is now all the time). he still calls her yeobo ~, whines it just like he did when they were married.

ga in just rolls her eyes, glares at him through those tiny eyes he'll never learn not to love, but her lips still quirk in that little pleased half-smile whenever he gives her an extra kimbap (that he made because he still remembers how).

kwon thinks he'll never forget, because how can he, with seeing her every single day and knowing she always wears their couple ring until it's time for filming and she has to take it off? he still wears his too, on a thin chain around his neck that only ga in knows about.

he thinks it's easy to stay in love when there's someone so easy to love like ga in. she is so small and feisty, so strong yet so very not, a contradiction in herself. she fills up the cracks for him, and she never fails to make him stutter whenever she smiles that smile, the one that makes her eyes disappear and her nose wrinkle.

so kwon stays like this, with everything he's felt for the past year ingrained in his soul (the metal is cool against his skin, reminding of him where it should be), and he thinks he'll be staying like this for a while.

when ga in rests her head against his should during breaks, kwon knows she will be too.


pairing; wooyoung/yeeun, fandom; wonder girls, fandom; f(x), fic; drabble, pairing; taecyeon/eunjung, pairing; jo kwon/ga in, pairing; nichkhun/victoria, fandom; 2am, pairing; yonghwa/seohyun, fandom; brown eyed girls, fandom; girls' generation, fandom; 2pm, fandom; cn blue, fandom; t-ara

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